March 9, 2021

the way you sparkle

Time keeps moving along and I've been at my new job two months now. It's a relief to have that behind me! I'm not sure what's wrong with me but the bold truth is I've failed to connect to the new environment. Although I'm confident with what I'm doing and can find my way around what seemed like a maze in the beginning, something still feels foreign. I don't find the work challenging, and often have to look for extra things to do to stay busy. I'm still leaving room for the possibility that I'll view things differently once I'm in the IV room. They say they're short staffed and extremely busy, so that seems a little more my pace. I'm next in line to get trained, but don't know what the time frame is - weeks or months. I am itching to stab some IV's again. 😄 

There's more I could say, but that's probably enough griping for now. It's not all bad, either, but in general I feel like the job doesn't leave me sparkling in the way this quote describes. 

I absolutely love this because it is so true! When someone talks about the things they love, there's a sparkle and shine to their eyes and face. And I also know you can feel when you have that sparkle. Maybe I'm being too idealistic and dreamy, as usual. But I really don't want to settle for mediocre!

It was a lovely warm day today and there's more coming. I feel like a daffodil that's been buried in the cold, dark earth all winter, ready to break out into the sunshine and fresh air of spring!  

Of course, Dickens knew how to describe it perfectly!


  1. Maybe the sparkle ✨ is right around the corner! And love that Dickens quote.

  2. Life isn’t all Roses and Sunshine, we live in a fallen world. There is Joy most definitely, in Him, but most often I think it doesn’t just occur in our environment, we actually have to search and choose it. It’s also ok to not be super duper happy every single second of the day, in my opinion, as long as Jesus is my center.

    1. Just today I was scooping poop in the kennel yard, I work at a vet clinic, and it was gross, it wasn’t a highlight, but atleast I have a job.

    2. One last thought, I don’t always like or agree where God has me placed, I have ideas on what’s best for me, but I know His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts, I trust and I keep going......there is always a reason, even if it has nothing to do with us.
