November 30, 2019

memories new and old

This has been a pleasant week - a ten day respite from work and wonderful family time! Every three years the Swarey family has a reunion and this time it was in Linden, Tennessee over Thanksgiving. We left a few days early and our whole family went to Shelby and Kait's to help work on their house. It was interesting having our 17 person group in their small house! We ladies cooked and helped unpack and set up the house while the men worked on hooking up appliances, doing electrical work, and framing up the carport to add an extra room. They have a nice setting in Henderson, Tennessee, and we had good times there!

Our reunion started with supper Wednesday evening. Out of the 138 descendants of Abe and Elsie Swarey, 134 attended. Our dear 86 year old grandmother Elsie is still with us, although not as active as she once was. She still sings beautifully and her stubborn streak is intact! On Thursday we had a time of sharing and one of the uncles had an interview with her about how it was for them coming out from the Amish. I learned some things I had never known before of how difficult and dark a time that was. Many people expressed their thankfulness for the decision our grandparents made. I wonder where we would all be if they had not broken away from their families and the faith they were raised in? It's evident their progeny have been blessed by our grandparents' willingness to follow God. I personally feel blessed to be a part of the Swarey lineage and am thankful we keep in touch the way we do. Nobody wants to miss these reunions because they are always filled with memories, laughter, beautiful singing, and good food.

The reunion was held at a Baptist conference center and fit our needs very well. It was one of the nicest places we've been to for a reunion, with the one exception of not having a kitchen at our disposal. Nevertheless, we managed to put on 5 meals and had 3 in the camp cafeteria. Thursday afternoon most of the group drove to Uncle Mel's shop for a demonstration of the original feed grinder that Grandpa and the uncles used to go around and grind feed for customers. As we watched the five uncles in their 50's work together to operate the machine, we could almost see them as young men in the prime of life. One of my cousins made a super neat barrel train and took the children for rides on the "reunion railroad". He dressed up as an old-time engineer and his "engine" blew out smoke and honked like a real train. The cars were decorated up like a UPS truck, fire engine, Case tractor, horse and buggy, and more! The kids loved it and I even took a ride in the buggy with one of my nieces!😄

These are some of the best times in life. It's a blessing to have a family that loves each other and enjoys spending time together. I'm so thankful for my grandparents and the heritage they gave us!

November 22, 2019

Friday night reflection

Friday nights are the best! (If you have the weekend off). It's such a wonderful feeling to know the work week is over and there's no reason to get up in the morning. A warm house and cozy bed add even more bliss.

The last few days at work have been extremely busy, which is normal for this time of year. People are being kept in the ER because there's no beds anywhere else. When the census is high it can get crazy, especially if there's some really sick people who need extra interventions. We can hardly keep up with all the medication requests sometimes. One of the evenings I worked this week there was a fire alarm. We can't use the elevators while that's going on, and I was getting ready to leave the pharmacy with a cart full of IV's and other meds. My shift was almost over and it was time to get them out, so I grabbed a big bin, put as much in as I could carry, and headed up two stories. It was a workout! My arms are still slightly sore.

Last night around 9:00 I answered a call in the pharmacy and it was our night shift tech calling off. I could tell he was upset and hardly comprehended when he said the mother of his daughter had committed suicide. I don't know much about his personal life, but don't think he was ever married to this lady. What a tragedy! That kind of news feels like a punch in the stomach. Today a pharmacist was telling a story about something that happened to his son last week. He was walking out of the garage where he parks for work when he heard a "splat".  A person had jumped from 2 stories above and landed about 10 feet away from where he was standing. How awful to be a witness to such trauma! There's so much sadness and misery in our world.

I don't want to end on a bleak tone, so maybe I'll count a few blessings since it's almost Thanksgiving. 

Thankful for
  • Online shopping and grocery pickup
  • I'm off all next week!
  • It worked out for me to take time off between Christmas and New Year's 
  • A reliable vehicle 
  • Family nearby - and that Derek & Camille are moving here! 💜

November 5, 2019

Five favorite beauty products

Blog inspirations have been absent lately so I decided to write about some of my favorite beauty products to go along with my posts on favorite home and garden tools and favorite kitchen tools.

This is something I tried for the first time yesterday. My awesome sister-in-law SaraBeth recently started making candles, lotion, and other skincare items and generously gives me samples of her products. My face felt clean and refreshed after using this mask, and I really think it made my skin glow! Check out Sarabeth's Etsy shop here. If you're local, she also sells her products at her house.

This works wonders for healing cracks on hands or feet. I even use it as a lip moisturizer. Last week I accidentally nicked my finger with a strong blast from the pressure washer, which peeled the skin off. I covered it in Aquaphor and put a bandaid over it for several days and it quickly healed.

I use this on my hands every night before going to bed. It's creamy but not greasy, and has a pleasant scent. It makes my dry hands and arms feel soft and moisturized.

Many shampoos contain sulfate and other chemicals that can damage your hair. I have really thin hair and try to do all I can to keep it healthy. I've used this sulfate free shampoo and conditioner for years, and if I ever use a regular shampoo like Herbal Essence or Pantene, I can't believe the difference. My hair has more body and is much more manageable with Affinia shampoo.

This is my favorite facial moisturizer. It doesn't leave my skin feeling greasy or cause breakouts.