March 18, 2022

spring joys

I don't have a vision for this post, but was itching to write again, so we'll see what comes of it!

Lo, the winter is past...
Today was a genuinely warm day with all the lovely spring sounds of birds chirping, spring peepers, and even the neighbor's lawn mower. We're on the verge of spring showing it's colors, but right now you have to do a little searching to find a splash here and there. After all, our last snowfall was a mere 2 weeks ago! On my walk today I saw crocuses and lenten rose blooming. I walked around my perennial garden at the edge of the woods and found some more lovely lenten roses (also known as hellebore).

I almost had to laugh at my daffodils pushing up through dead leaves and winter's detritus, with compost still stuck to their tips. It reminded me of someone who is woken abruptly sitting straight up with a startled look and disheveled hair. The daffodils seemed surprised too, as if to say, "What? It's spring?!?"

Sweet, simple things
Life can quickly become routine and joyless, but it's the little things that bring happiness. I want to acknowledge and more thoroughly appreciate those things! I need a special word to describe small joys such as a coworker bringing me a strawberry banana smoothie because she knew I was dealing with a complex bookkeeping job. Or my sister making a special trip to bring me the most delicious bubble tea on a Thursday afternoon. Looking up as I'm walking out of Sam's Club and unexpectedly seeing the faces of my dear parents, and to top it off, running into my brother and his beautiful family on my way out to the car! These little blessings can quickly ease the drudgery of a day of work, fighting traffic, and picking up groceries. 

Between the pages of a book
I don't think I've mentioned our last few book club choices after this post in December. The next book after Wonder was I Will Always Write Back which was enjoyed by all. 

This month we're reading Once Upon a Wardrobe which inspired me to also read Becoming Mrs. Lewis. I'm intrigued with these peeks into the life of C.S. Lewis.

Now I want to read more of C.S. Lewis's books, and I've begun The Screwtape Letters which I'd read a long time ago but am finding well worth re-reading. 

I have to mention another book I'm currently reading. I've found No Cure for Being Human profoundly moving and I'm pretty sure I'll be rating it 5 stars because of the way it's made me feel. I think one of the biggest reasons I've found it so impressive is because I'm listening to the author read it and her character and spirit shine through so clearly. 

And now I'll conclude with this most lovely, hopeful verse.

For lo, the winter is past, 
the rain is over and gone;

The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of the singing of birds has come.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12