February 28, 2023

The Most Important Thing

There's a jumble of thoughts in my head that I'm trying to come to peace with, and writing usually helps straighten them out. This is mostly an outlet for me, and if it doesn't interest you, I completely understand. If reading this feels like a waste of your time, please go do something worthwhile like hugging your child or calling your grandma instead. 

My dear, spunky Grandma Swarey is no longer with us, and it feels like part of my life is over. It's not only her passing that makes me feel that way; rather, it's a combination of milestones and events. I think I now understand why midlife crisis is a thing. It's completely frightening to one day do the math and figure out that something you are thinking of happened 20 years ago and you've been married almost as long as you were single. There's a Grandma-shaped piece of your childhood that is gone forever. You've been realizing lately that things you once thought exciting barely raise a flicker of interest anymore. The happy expectations as a child and youth have faded into a routine of work, a schedule, and responsibilities. And horrors! When my parents were the age I am now I thought they had it all figured out!

It's made me realize that what I have right now will be gone someday too, and I want to grab it fiercely and enjoy each moment. I've come to this realization gradually, but I'm now fully convinced that other than a relationship with God, there is NOTHING in life more important than those who are dearest. With that uppermost, it's easy to see when something comes in the way and I need to make a change or cut back. Maybe I don't actually need more money or an exciting, fulfilling job. What I actually want is the flexibility to take a day off on the spur of the moment, and to be there when the family is together. It's about wanting less and understanding I already have everything I need.


February 2, 2023

Recap: January

It felt like 6 weeks instead of 4, but January is over at last. It was a momentous month, being the busiest time of year in the Gehman Accounting bookkeeping department. January also brought ten days of revivals, house renovations, and 2 new nephews! I observed "gentle January" where I could, by cutting out exercise time to get a little more rest. I also made progress with setting goals for the year, using some great ideas from friends. 

A new thing I did this year was create a vision board instead of a 23 for 23 list. I loved the creative process of putting my goals into something visual. I used my word of the year "choose" to go along with some of the images on my vision board.

In brief, this is what it represents.

Hygge minimalism: work towards creating a cozy minimalistic home and lifestyle. 
Office: weekly goal of hours with Gehman Accounting, create a minimalist home work space. 
Planner: spend time each week, scheduling wisely to fit everything in.
Jordan Page: reminder to follow Budget Boot Camp.
Running shoes: reminder of my walking goal.
Be Still: make devotions a priority, have quiet time.
Schoolroom: fill my little corner in helping students and teachers.
Book: read more physical books 
Aunts & nieces/nephews: be cognizant of this golden opportunity to spend time with them before they're grown up.
Table: have company when remodel is complete.

One of my specific goals for this year is to donate blood on a regular schedule. I did my first donation this week, and have the rest of my donations scheduled for this year, which is an easy way to feel like I've accomplished something!

January made me thankful for:

My morning cup of tea. Hot cinnamon spice = mmmm! 
Beautiful babies and their heavenly smell.
My stage of life. Busy, but not as stressful as it could be.
Mild weather. A warm day in January is a privilege. 
The benefits of 2 part-time jobs. I can switch gears and go to my other job if one gets to be too much.