February 4, 2022

winter comfort

Winter is the time for comfort.

Tonight I found myself longing for a familiar, comfortable book to read. I'd like to make a practice of reading the same book every season but haven't figured them all out yet. Summer is for The Blue Castle. What sounds appealing to me right now is The Hobbit and/or the The Lord of the Rings series. I really have a hankering to read them again.

Of course, setting puzzle is another comforting winter routine. I just finished Local Bookstore.

Other small comforts

For warmth:
- Flannel sheets
- Down blanket
- Heated mattress pad
- Auto start for a warm car

For the senses:
- Scented candles (my favorite Leaves candle is almost used up) 😔

For dry skin:
Rosehip Seed Oil Facial Moisturizer from Natural Glow Shoppe

And finally, comfort food! The ultimate comfort food for me is anything Mom makes.❤ Nothing can beat it. I also find satisfaction in making soup during the colder months. This week it was Beef Stew, and I've also made Chicken Wild Rice Soup, Chipotle Chicken Soup, and Cheeseburger Soup this winter. 

What routines or foods bring comfort to you during winter? I'd love to hear!

February 2, 2022

sunshine to share

Can we just take a moment to appreciate what a lovely winter day this was in spite of Punxsutawney Phil's gloomy prediction?

I took a walk in the bright noon sunshine and was restored. Winter sunlight is a precious thing. In the afternoon it sends warming rays through my windows and I find myself looking for a spot to soak in its glow.

If we experienced sunshine every day, we'd soon forget how special it really is. Warm sunbeams on my face and fresh air in my lungs gave me a dose of happiness today that I wanted to share.

And that's all.