March 5, 2021

dreamers and doubters

Is it a blessing or a curse to be a dreamer? Even though I've learned dreams can be a source of pain when they don't come true, I also believe it's a sign of healing when they begin again. 

I'm a hopeless dreamer. Even when I know it's unrealistic and unlikely to happen, I still take pleasure in dreaming. There's so many thoughts to delight in! Thinking about which flowers to plant this spring is a favorite for this time of year. Other pleasant topics include weekend getaways, travel, job possibilities, my dream house, and ways of improving myself. 

I spend a lot of time in my head. As I've been thinking about this, something started nagging at the edge of my mind. Is all this a way of escaping reality? If so, is there something wrong with that? Life can get monotonous, and going to work day after day can become a drudgery. Cold, dreary days cast gloom over everything. Sometimes life is just too painful and escaping through dreams or books is a way to cope. 


Now I'm feeling guilty for being a dreamer. If I suppress the dreamer in me, the cynic will be unleashed. Letting out my inner Scrooge is only going to lead to misery. I prefer dreams! In reality, I'm probably equal parts dreamer and cynic. I certainly don't view the world through rose-colored glasses. And I tend to scoff at the shiny, rainbow colored dreams of youth. There's plenty to be cynical about, so if I'm still able to dream, isn't that a blessing?


  1. I would say, Keep on dreaming! 😘Dreaming’s free. Cuz I want to keep on dreaming, too! ☺️I’m forever dreaming dreams🎶Forever til my life is over, I’ll keep dreaming lovely dreams🎵Darlene

  2. I like your thoughts❤️ I'd say deep down I'm a hopeless dreamer too! But it does make life better sometimes on hard days..

  3. U speak my heart! I'm a hopeless dreamer too.. It makes life bearable tho!😊

  4. Dream on! Even the Bible tells us to think of lovely things... which is what dreams are! 💭 💪🏼 I love the quote, “Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.”
