March 5, 2019

winter wonder

Yesterday morning we awoke to a white winter wonderland. Every tree, branch, and stick was coated with a puff of snow. To see the sun shining on all that whiteness was dazzling! Believe it or not, I'm actually enjoying winter this year. It's a slower-paced, cozy season. There's no outside work (Cliff takes care of the snow removal 😊) and long, dark evenings to be at home. In the past, that would make me depressed, but I've gradually come to see the pleasurable side of winter. One thing that has made a big difference in my feeling towards winter is having a warm house. Being cold makes me cranky. When our wood stove is going, it's often around 80 degrees in the house. We have to open windows because it gets too hot but I consider that a blessing!

I've been making an effort to go on a walk at least 5 times a week. It can be challenging with my work schedule and the weather, but I've managed to accomplish it! Getting outside and exercising is so much more appealing to me than walking on a treadmill or going to the gym. I believe the fresh air does wonders to clear your head and maybe even your skin! It's always invigorating even though some days I feel like I have to drag myself out there. It seems the air is beginning to have a touch of spring and the days are getting noticeably longer now. Soon the dark winter evenings will be over!

One of the pleasures of living in Pennsylvania is getting to experience all four seasons. My favorite is still spring, but I've come to love them all. Each one has a distinct smell, sound, and feel. In the beauty of nature is proof that God loves us.

Now, I'm going to get my walking shoes on and get that fresh air in my lungs before I have to leave for work!

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing the same thing, walking as many mornings as I can. It takes something to roll out of bed earlier, but once I'm out it's usually a joy! Especially with a gorgeous mountain to look at as I go. Sharon
