September 28, 2023

September Joys

September has often seemed to me the saddest month of the year, and I'd decided it was my least favorite. There's plenty of supporting evidence for this, but I've tried be more open-minded this month to what is enjoyable about it. 

Highs in the 90s in its first week certainly helped to give September's status a huge boost in my rating. Although there are definite signs of fall, if you were to look at a panoramic picture of the mountains to determine what season it is, the evidence would be more summer-like than fall. Maybe September is summer's second cousin - a distant relation but still recognizable.

What better month than September for evenings around the fire? My soul was craving that chill-in-the-air/firelit faces/flannel shirts/spiced cider vibe when a dear friend who knew my longing obliged with a campfire supper invite. Bliss.

What other month of the school year holds such enormous potential and crisp pages? Returning to those bright faces and laughing voices boosted me out of a summer lethargy.

I'm beginning to think my favorite food texture is CRUNCHY. September's offerings of broccoli, cauliflower, and apples have been immensely satisfactory.

The past few evenings I've reveled in working on my first puzzle of the season. It really is the little things that bring the most joy.


  1. That’s the spirit girl ;) Sitting by the campfire with you sounds like a fine and pleasant thing!
    Here in Manitoba fall is at its peak it seems. The only issue I have is that’s it’s getting dark earlier…

  2. Awww love this!!! I would love to have you for supper!!
