December 29, 2022

Goals and Gratitude

The week between Christmas and New Year's always feels exciting as a time of reflection and goal setting. My schedule has been so full that I haven't had a lot of time for that yet, but I had fun doing some preliminary thinking. I don't think I'll do a 23 for 23 list this year, and I'm still trying to decide if I'll have a one word theme. I've been a little disenchanted with it because of my low success, although it wasn't a complete failure. On the other hand, if I don't set goals, it's easier to float along and lose incentive. 

I decided to begin with some fun reading-related challenges, and started a list that I hope to add more to. When I searched reading challenges, there were so many cheesy ones, like "read a book with a color in the title." I'm looking for more of an actual challenge! This is what I'm planning on doing so far.

1. Read a book that challenges you. I chose Crime and Punishment since it was already on my TBR.

2. Read a book published the year you were born. 

3. Read a book you started but didn't finish. The Indifferent Stars Above is my choice.

My goal for this week was to finish this puzzle that has been languishing for weeks. 

It's one of the harder ones I've done because of the pieces not fitting together well, making it very easy to get them in the wrong place. The border is almost all the same pattern and wasn't put together right. But I'm happy to say it's finished! I don't usually save puzzles, but this one is beautiful enough (and I don't want to do it again!) so I framed it. It looks great on the basement wall. 

One of my goals for 2022 that I had success in was exercise. When I look at my stats from MapMyWalk, I've increased my walking distance by almost 50% from 2 years ago! I'm still astonished and slightly bewildered. Can I finally say I've conquered after years of trying?? I'm almost hesitant to think that, for fear of jinxing my success. But I know my mindset has changed to where exercise ranks near the top of what absolutely has to get done in a day. I don't do it every day, but 4 - 5 days a week feels realistic and attainable.

The 4:8 Principle taught that there's plenty of negative about ourselves that we could think or talk about, but why would we do that? Why give that so much space when you could instead focus on the good? So with that, I'm not going to mention the goals I didn't meet. 

Awhile ago I was especially struck with the thought of how incredibly blessed I am. Sometimes I can't see it so clearly because of a stressful day at work, or not enough sleep, a headache, or a dirty kitchen. Writing thankful lists can even become routine. But at that moment it seemed crystal clear how much I've been given. From the big things, like health, family that loves each other, a comfortable home, and an income; to the little things, like a cup of hot tea. Scented candles. Books. And So. Much. Good. Food. 

Goals are important, but I also want to remember how much I've already been given. There's sure to be blessings and disappointment in the new year, what will I focus on? 


  1. I appreciate you sharing very inspiring.thank you

  2. Love the positivity🌟 I want more of this mindset in the coming year!

  3. The completed, plus framed, difficult puzzle seems a wonderful way to head into the new year!! The books you listed pique my interest. Not familiar with any of them, including the 4:8 principle one. And your last paragraph - what a clincher! 🤍
