September 14, 2021

cubicle sweet cubicle

I'm happy to say I made it through my first week at Gehman Accounting! It's been a great experience so far and I feel extremely lucky to work there. I knew the environment would be vastly different from what I was used to, and I'm still marveling at it! 

LVHN never felt like "home" to me, but I can already tell GA will become that way. It's nice to have my own space, even if it is a cubicle. On my first day I was taken aback by the quiet office setting. I'd grown accustomed to always having background noise, and now I know why some people can't function without it! When it's silent, my brain wants to latch on to any sound that comes along and I can't focus if I hear someone talking on the phone or carrying on a conversation in another office! It's becoming more normal now, after a few days of adjusting. Another challenge was sitting all day when I was used to being on my feet. That's why I never wanted a desk job - I need to move! Thankfully there's solutions for that. On my third day at work I inquired about a sit to stand riser I saw being unused. Just like that, IT installed it for me and I now spend a good part of the day standing (and feel much better)! 

There's many other things I've found remarkable, and have lifted my spirit. It's nice to see people taking pride in their work, not spending excessive time on their phone, and caring about others. I can come home from a day at work feeling good instead of drained. It almost makes me anxious (what if this is a fluke, and it won't last??) to give such a good report when I've only worked six days, but if I'm feeling optimistic, that's a good sign!

In the staff meeting today, Nate said something like this - "You work at Gehman Accounting for 6 months, then mentally think that's only your first day on the job." That was reassuring because I feel like my knowledge is very basic, and I ask lots of questions and feel stupid on a daily basis. 😅 

If you're interested in seeing who I work with, here's a link to the Gehman Accounting "meet our team" page. I'm part of the bookkeeping team.


  1. I hadn’t realized you had switched careers- so glad you are loving your new job!! All the best to an old friend!

  2. Love it!! Thanks for this peek into your new life! Perfect post title btw! 👊🏼 🤩
