March 18, 2020

joy in the time of coronavirus

Maybe we're tired of hearing about COVID-19 by now, but I think we've all been affected by it. It's hard to believe how quickly things can change.

Hopefully we have not succumbed to worry and fear during this time. With the absence of school, social life, and work (for some), we can find joy in simple things like playing games, reading a good book, or taking a bike ride. I find nature very calming at any time, and with all the upheaval going on in the world right now, it seems even more peaceful. Start taking notice of all the changes taking place as spring arrives. Here in Pennsylvania, I've heard the first spring peepers, seen cherry trees in full bloom, and watched daffodils poke up through the soil and spread their sunshiny cheer. It seems people are spending more time outdoors than usual during this period of social distancing. While walking the Union Canal trail today I saw more kids and parents out than I normally see. Cliff drove by a family picking up trash along one of our local roads, which I think is a FABULOUS idea!

Maybe it's easy for me to sound upbeat because my daily life has not been affected too much. My occupation certainly gives me job security during a health crisis. There are so many changes, preparations, and regulations being put into place at the hospital that I might write a whole blog on that. If I didn't have a full-time job I think I'd have more time to worry, especially since Cliff is working very limited hours and there are bills to pay.

I was getting a little worried we might run out of toilet paper since I only have one extra pack (I thought) and every store I've been to lately has been sold out. Then I discovered I still have a gigantic 40 roll pack and my mind was put at ease! 😅 I'm rather paranoid of running out of TP!

There's still so much beauty in the world. Let's leave the scary what-if's behind and focus on the good!

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