March 27, 2020

another week down

Well, we've definitely been seeing the uphill part of the COVID-19 curve here in Berks County this week.

According to numbers taken from the PA Department of Health website, 90% of people who get tested are negative, even though overall numbers are rising. This is proving true at work. Patients who are suspected of having the virus are put in isolation as if they are positive until their test results come back. The vast majority end up not having it. And some who were positive never had to be admitted.

In the midst of all this, we are surprisingly not that busy. The overall hospital census is down quite a bit from usual. The pharmacy director has called off one pharmacist every day this week, and we techs were strictly told "no overtime!"

I visited the quarantined area of the hospital and it looked as if everything was running like a well-oiled machine. It's amazing how much donning and doffing of PPE, hand washing, and coordination between nurses has to go into the care of one patient who is only presumed to be positive.

Beginning Monday, all employees have to get their temperature taken when coming in to work. As of today, our county is under a "stay at home" order, so hospital workers were given a letter to carry with us stating we are an essential employee.

There are some wonderful things to come about because of the quarantine. Roads are wide open and I've cut almost 10 minutes off my daily commute. More people are spending time outdoors. Life has finally slowed down like we said we wished it would. Teachers are becoming even more appreciated (I hope! 😄)

Besides, how can you be blue when all nature is ringing with spring?! With robins chirping early in the morning and spring peepers providing lovely music at night, bright yellow forsythia, daffodils, hyacinths, and pansies blooming their hearts out... feast your eyes and fill your lungs with the delicious clean air and everything starts looking up!

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