July 25, 2019

something to do, something to love, something to hope for

Life has been busy, but good! I can hardly believe July is almost over. I haven't spent nearly as much time outside this summer as I would've liked. It seems work and other obligations take up too much of my time and I kind of rebel against that. Right now there's a list of things I should be working on, but I decided to sit on the deck with my gorgeous flowers and enjoy the evening for awhile. Why can't I have more time to rest and enjoy nature? I usually enjoy my job but resent that I have to be inside most of the time and it's been a drudgery lately. I know I still have it better than moms with babies and children to take care of, but looking at it from my perspective, I think, "at least moms can be home and go outside or take a nap if they want!"

I experienced a few days of family life when we went to Ohio to help Chad and Keela move into their new house. We were there five days and filled each one to the brim. I set up the kitchen, pantry, and laundry room and arranged her decor. Cliff's handyman skills were a tremendous help for hanging shower curtain rods and shelves, wiring lights and receptacles for Keela's sewing area in the basement, and other odds and ends. Chelsea (3) begged me to color with her and I couldn't always oblige because we were so busy unpacking and organizing, but managed to get a few pictures in! It's so neat to be integrated into someone else's life for awhile. A sister's house feels like my own and there's no pretense or false politeness necessary. Yes, it should be that way with everyone, but the truth is I'm just not that comfortable with anyone else! Even though we worked hard while we were there, it was still a vacation from our jobs and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.

What are your "grand essentials of happiness"? For me "something to do" and "something to love" are kind of the same, but I'm blank on "something to hope for" (besides Heaven). Here's my essentials.

Something to do:  A fulfilling job I enjoy.

Something to love: Things I find pleasure in doing - being outside, planting and caring for flowers, reading, going on relaxing vacations like this one, spending time with family.

When I was young, there was always something to hope for. I looked forward to going to school, getting converted, graduating, turning 16, driving on my own, going to teach Bible school, going to girl's class, being with my friends, going to weddings, teaching school, getting married... now that's all over! I've been married almost 15 years, don't have my own children's milestones to look forward to, and am mostly content with my life. Sometimes I think the best part of my life was my youth years, even though there were turbulent times and I wish I would've done some things differently. Maybe I'm not understanding these "grand essentials of happiness" correctly though. Also, it's not necessarily scriptural so maybe it has no meaning. I'd love to hear your feedback!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Wendy! I too enjoyed every minute of the days you and Cliff were here. My kitchen and pantry are arranged very well!😍
    Something to do: caring for Chad and (soon) 3 kidders, doing things they appreciate
    Something to love: Things I find pleasure in doing- putting on a tasty meal, coloring with the children or reading a new story to Tanner that fascinates him, sewing for myself and Chelsea...
    Something to hope for: more joyful years with my husband, happy children that grow up to serve God and others, a home in Heaven.❣️
