December 28, 2018

various musings and a recipe

Presently I'm feeling a bit of a post-holiday lack of motivation that I'm sure others are affected by too! My work schedule isn't helping this - I'm in the middle of a 6 day stretch working 2:30 - 11:00 pm. In the morning I feel draggy and tired, but by the time I get home at night, I'm ready to read! or blog! and don't get to sleep until late (or rather, early). There's things I should do around the house but I can't seem to gather up any extra energy and I'm relying too much on caffeine to get through my shift at work. I know this sounds undisciplined, but just being honest here! Hopefully this too shall pass.

Pennsylvania did not have a white Christmas this year. In fact, it's been warmish the last few days. On Christmas day in the evening Cliff and some of my family came to see me at work. It was the perfect chance to show them around a little since we were slow and only a few people working in the pharmacy. That made my day!

Before Christmas I made some caramels and took them to work. As a side note, I've never worked at a place that was so into food! People are always bringing food in and on weekends you can pretty much count on there being quiche, donuts, or cronuts and something hot for lunch. So the caramels got lots of compliments and several people wanted to pay me to make them some (I didn't). They take time to make and wrap, but really are fabulous! I sprinkled salt on top which added more deliciousness. I'm pasting the link here if you want to check it out. Thanks to SaraBeth who originally introduced me to the recipe!


  1. I can relate to the post-holiday slump!! And it’s raining here which doesn’t help! The caramels sound amazing.... what is a cronut??

    1. Cronuts are a cross between a croissant and a donut. You need to try them! It was something new for me too and I needed them in my life!

  2. Aww... I totally know the feeling! I'm getting ready to go back to work tomorrow after a 10 day stretch and I know it's going to be rough for a few days! Gotta get back in the groove!

  3. Caramels are the one Christmas candy I make every year! Love hearing about your 'world', Wendy... thanks for taking the time to write about it!😊

  4. Yes, absolutely loving the peek into your life! Just being honest, I doubt there's many sahm's who don't sometimes wish to be in your shoes! 😉
