December 23, 2018

thankful for family times

The holidays are here, and my family is all home. What a blessing! As I get older, I realize more how precious time with family is. My nieces and nephew are young, sweet, and innocent, and I wish we could hold on to this time, just like I wished my little sister would stay little. Since life continues to move along no matter what we wish for, I want to cherish each moment we have together. Yes, we do sometimes get annoyed at each other and don't always see things the same, but at the end of the day, we still love each other. I know people who don't speak to their mother because of a disagreement, or have family members with addiction, or their parents aren't together, and so many sad stories. How did I get so lucky to be born in a Christian home with loving parents?? In the world we live in, this is not so common. I just want to say, "Thank you, Jesus, for my family!"

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