December 31, 2018

Best of 2018

As 2018 is coming to a close, I'm doing some reflection and remembering. Although it hasn't been all sunshine and roses, there were good times and simple pleasures along the way. "I've found it's the simple ordinary pleasures which are the real ones after all" describes it perfectly. I can't seem to find that quote but I don't think I made it up! If someone has it, send it to me!

Simple ordinary pleasures
Sitting on the deck on a warm summer evening listening to the sounds of nature. Watching fireflies. Coming home from work late on a cold night to a warm bed, thanks to my husband for turning on the heated mattress pad. Eating a good home cooked meal. The sound of my nieces' laughter. Fresh fruit and vegetables in season. An evening at home. A nap in the middle of the day. Mom's cooking. (Food = happiness) More ways to shop online than ever before means I can order essentials and have them delivered to my door. Yay!

Best books I read
Although I read quite a few books this year, my favorite was one of the most recent. The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton is an amazing true story. Others worthy of mention are Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius (nonfiction), The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (historical fiction) and The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien - finally read them!

Image result for the nightingale
Image result for the sun does shineImage result for ghost boyImage result for lord of the rings books

January: While on our way to the spray foam convention, a refreshing weekend in the Smokies in a nice HomeAway condo high up in the mountains overlooking Gatlinburg. Stayed with Dad and Mom, Camille, Charles and SaraBeth and girlies in an Airbnb house in Fairhope, Alabama during the spray foam convention in Mobile. Had some good times in that house and ate some good ol' Southern food at Fish River Grill and Lambert's Cafe. Made a quick trip to Florida afterwards to see family and friends. In August, we spent a relaxing week in Phoenix with the Smith's and experienced Arizona summer.

Bittersweet occasion
My little sister's wedding. No more siblings at home when we go to folks. 😢

Home improvement projects 
Cliff did a wonderful job installing new hallway flooring that doesn't squeak. We also found a beautiful old barn beam mantel for above the wood stove in our living room. I knew this sign belonged on it the minute I saw it.

Image result for p. graham dunn let's stay home

New Year's Eve
Anticipating being with family for a traditional pork and sauerkraut meal this evening. Been looking forward to that meal for several days! Wow, food seems to be a recurring theme here. Sounds like New Year's cookies are also involved for tonight.

Praise belongs to God for blessing us with health, jobs, family and friends, and countless other gifts this year. Wherever 2019 takes us, may He go with us all!


  1. Love the overview of your year. Sounds like a good one! All the best in 2019!!

  2. Loved this overview! Wish I could have joined y’all for sauerkraut 😋. I really must read the Lord of the Rings x3!! And I’m so glad you started blogging. ♥️📝

  3. The Nightingale is one of my favs!
