December 15, 2022

2022 in books

I enjoy reviewing my year in books every December, and Goodreads does a fantastic job compiling stats. What is most outstanding for 2022 is that this was a year of re-reading.

2022: Stats
Shortest book: 84, Charing Cross Road
Longest book: War and Peace
Most popular: Pride and Prejudice

2022: Re-reads
James Herriot: All Creatures Great and Small,  All Things Bright and Beautiful, The Lord God Made Them All
Wonder  (Book club)
I Will Always Write Back (Book club)
A Wrinkle in Time (Book club)
The Eyes of the World (Book club)

This was also a year of C.S. Lewis. Once Upon a Wardrobe and Becoming Mrs. Lewis rekindled my interest and I decided to venture beyond the Chronicles of Narnia.

2022: Featuring C.S. Lewis
The Great Divorce Read it twice, very impressive. 
The Space Trilogy Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength - science fiction I totally enjoyed!

And now I've begun re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia to continue the re-reading/C S. Lewis theme! Actually, that had nothing to do with it. I've been wanting to read them again and figured this winter would be the perfect time. This time I'm going to read them in publication order instead of chronological order.

I don't intend to merely list the books I read, though! Quality absolutely overrules quantity, and I think that's why I reached for so many tried and true, sure to please books this year. I also read several books that impacted me profoundly.

2022: Most Meaningful 

No list is complete without top favorites! Only 3.8% of what I read merited a 5-star rating.

I'd like to take on some type of reading challenge in 2023. Does anyone have suggestions or want to join me?


  1. Some of my favorite blogs are those of book suggestions. Thanks alot!

  2. Love this list! I want to read so many of these you read and loved! Thanks for the suggestions.
