November 17, 2022


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite 
Conference 2022 - Tupelo, MS

The People:
- Some you see multiple times in a day, others you never see at all!
- Walking in to the arena and seeing home folks is a nice feeling.
- Interesting how many people you see that you know. I thought most would be strangers, but it's pretty easy to glimpse familiar faces in every direction. 
- Meeting friends from youth days, how did we get so old??! Extra pounds and a few well-earned wrinkles testify that life takes its toll on us all.

Short, wrinkly linen dresses and old-fashioned patterns. One positive of this fad is that the rumpled look is not generally tight. Cream is the color that pops out the most in the youth girls section. Black and rust are also popular. Most people are very ordinarily dressed; more of them than the outstanding ones. Tie downs go on and off, tied and untied. Would be so nice to do away with that tradition although I see how it makes everyone look more uniform than the cap.

The Leaders:
- Sea of suits and white or bald heads on the floor. Looks like the majority are above 50, kind of a scary thought! Where are the young ones to take their places? I spot some who have labored faithfully and led bygone conferences now sitting near the back and participating quietly. Gladwin Koehn, Melvin Penner, Sam Unruh, Orie Koehn... 
- The ratio of leaders to lay brethren seems disproportionate. 

The Logistics:
- All I know is, the people who planned and organized this event know what they're doing.
Arena ushers in white shirts and black vests work together to find seating for all. Car ushers tell pedestrians where to walk and wave vehicles out in sync with traffic lights. There is no gridlock at dismissal time. At meal time, we go through the line, pick up our bagged lunch, and are back at our seats in under 5 minutes. I observed that sometimes it's difficult to get people to go where they should and asked one of the ushers if he ever got frustrated with them. His reply was, "They sure like to talk!" 
- The guys at the sound booth are fascinating to watch. On the spot at all times, they control the big screens and messages that flash across. They focus the camera on the area of the crowd where a speaker is taking his turn and make sure the correct mic is on. Someone is in communication with the men on the podium writing resolutions and putting them on the screen at the right time. Another guy takes care of streaming the open services across the conference. Watching all this order and precision, I am awed by the God-given talent among us! 

The Lectures & Discussion:
- On the first day, the chairman outlines procedure for those who voluntarily speak to keep it at 10 minutes or less. A timer sounds when someone is nearing the end of their allotted time. A few times I wished the speakers giving lectures had a timer too! The human brain can only take in so much. For the most part, the speakers stick to the point without too many introductory "glad to be here's" and "feeling small in front of this crowd's" after the admonishment on the first day. If everyone said such unnecessary words, it would take up hours of the already packed schedule.
- Most of the thoughts from the floor are sound and spoken gently and lovingly. There are a few who seem to carry their own agenda, speaking boldly and strongly. It's amazing to see how that spirit does not settle into the hearts of the listeners.
- Silence when a new resolution is posted. The men writing these must be divinely led! How terrifying to think of writing something so serious in a few minutes that can't be changed unless brought before another assembly like this!

The Food:
Jimmy John's cold subs, chicken caesar wraps, followed by chicken caesar wraps, Jimmy John's cold subs, and cold sandwiches on croissants. Included in the bagged lunch are sides of chips and fruit and a packaged sweet, with a moist towelette to clean up afterwards. Really decent food, just repetitious. Water by the pallet was always available, but no sweet beverages or coffee unless you knew where to find them in hidden nooks. Supposedly there was different food at each serving station, and if you went to the same one every time, you'd eventually get Chick-fil-A. We rarely went to the same food line though, and never got it.

General Thoughts:
We heard a lot about spirits. I wonder if these spirits could also be called demons? I get a clearer picture when thinking of it that way. I imagine Satan sending out his demons to infect us with these spirits of division, worldliness, and self-gratification.

Conference was much more inspiring than I expected it to be. I assumed I'd be tired of all the "church" and exhausted by the people long before it was over. To my surprise, I didn't want to leave early or skip a day! We'd thought of leaving Thursday, but decided we didn't want to miss the third day after being there for the first two. It turned out that the discussion on photography and recording Thursday morning was one of the better ones.

It makes a difference what you focus on. Sure, some of the youth seemed to be at conference for the purpose of being with friends and meeting new people, didn't sit in the arena during sessions, or held their own conversations during a lecture they should've been listening to. But they were by far the minority. Hundreds of youth listened intently and behaved admirably, served in food lines, and dressed nicely. Yes, some of those who spoke might be called "liberal" and others labeled "hard-liner" but the resolutions that were made found the solid ground.

At one point I felt discouraged because I realized nothing new was being said and we discuss worldliness and drifting away from God at every conference. The resolutions are all about turning back and reaffirming prior resolutions. But then I thought - Isn't that the way God works? Gently reminding, giving small course corrections along the way? 

It's fascinating to observe the cycle of life. I wonder if the youth that are here today have realized that THEY will be the ones holding babies and toddlers by the hand at the next conference, carrying a few extra pounds and looking like parents!


  1. Thanks for a window into conference, Wendy! I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about it.

  2. Right on!! Comprehensive. Exactly how I felt; down to the thoughts of what you focus on. My heart is full of gratitude that I could experience in person almost two days- would've loved to have stayed for the remainder. What other group could ever have a meeting like this?!

  3. Thanks, Wendy. Loved the picture you gave of Conference.

  4. Thanks for writing about conference! I loved reading it!

  5. Spot on! Loved reading your impressions!

  6. Thanks Wendy. Loved to read about this. Would have loved to be there. Love your cuz Rosie

  7. You write so much better than I but these are some of my exact impressions also!! I wanted so badly to be there today, hated to miss after the 1st two days ! Also was SO good to see you too!!

  8. Amen to all of this! Well written 👏 we are so grateful we could be there!

  9. Right on! I echo all you said. Wish I could write my thoughts out like that 😀I totally agree with the one about it being more inspiring and not getting tired of it as imagined.

  10. I enjoyed it! No polishing/embellishing, you told it like it was! I love an honest person!😊

  11. Enjoyed reading about your impressions! Reminds me how it was last time…Didn't make it there this time due in part to having five youngsters instead of two 😉

  12. Thanks for this! We couldn't attend this time but my heart was there and I'm eager for details like this.

  13. Yes! Thank you Wendy! I don’t know who you are but I was thrilled that someone did this for us since we couldn’t be there. I eagerly devoured every word and am so thankful to God that all went well and that it was again inspiring. I pray we can all have that course correction that the Lord is asking of us. May God bless you for writing your thoughts for us.

  14. I would like to echo your thoughts and inspirations. If we, as total strangers (you &I), feel this way about Conference, I would say that the majority do also. It was TRULY a rewarding experience. It gives me hope for the future of the Church. It makes me feel unworthy to be a part of this number.

  15. Yes, this is also my impressions. The only other thought that I had was of the importance of going to conference and giving your attention to it is so "worth it ". I had only been to 1 conference before and since, have heard the reports. Getting a "report " does not plant conviction and understanding like being there and participating in the spirit and atmosphere of the discussion!

    1. I agree! Being a part of it is totally different than hearing about it from others.

    2. I was really inspired by the conference lectures and it was nice to see just a little picture of what the conference was like

  16. Yes you wrote my same thoughts .was soAwesome to be there .so Thankful for Gods people. And felt nothing but the truth being spoken by our LEADERS .& how could the singing be more Beautiful. But I believe in Heaven we' ll be singing perfect

  17. Wow! I really enjoyed reading this! It was an awe inspiring time!💞

  18. Thank you for all the kind comments! What I wrote here is so simple compared to how it felt to be there. I hope everyone gets a chance to experience it sometime!

  19. Thank you for your descriptions. I wish I could've seen and heard it. I went to one i n Hutchinson in 1983. I believe it would seem more serious now. May God bless us all to be able to follow the resolutions!

  20. I'm 30. I noticed that my age group of friends looked better then I remembered them from the youth. Happy, peaceful, and secure. The few extra pounds is worth the trade-off!😉

  21. Thank you for your writing! This is exactly how it was! I was comforted and inspired too, and prayed that my friends could have a little of the blessing and inspiration that we received!

  22. Thanks Wendy! Enjoyed reading about it! Wish we could have been there!

  23. Even from home here we caught the spirit.

  24. Thanks so much for those inspiring remarks about the sessions. We listened to the evening lectures and that was very inspiring. In the bride of Christ is truly the most wonderful and amazing secure place to be!

  25. Amen!! We at 80 years old are happy we could be there. Very inspirational

  26. A word to those who so earnestly desired to be at Conference but were unable to go due to financial or health reasons, family or work responsibilities, etc.
    There is no denying the blessing available to those who were able to attend, but the same Spirit is present with His people everywhere who earnestly desire to know Him and His will.
    1 Samuel 30 recounts the story of David’s men recovering their wives and children taken by the Amalekites in a raid on Ziklag. Four hundred went with David to battle while the other two hundred stayed behind. Upon their return from a successful mission, a question arose whether the two hundred should have a share in the spoils. David’s response is recorded in vs. 24, 25.
    “… but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike.
    25 And it was so from that day forward, that he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel unto this day.”

    I was impressed that this can be applied spiritually.
    We eagerly look forward to the sharing of “the spoils” of Truth with one another, from those who were present, from our leaders in the pulpits, and from the Holy Spirit directly. God bless his Church!

  27. Yes you expressed very much how it was. Some of my favorite parts was 'wen all of God's children' were singing. ALL 10,000 of us singing 'Redeemed how I Love to Proclaim It' etc. And also wen they asked for a vote and all those white papers (including the youths) went high in the air in support. What a incredible unworthiness and thankfulnessto be a part of this group.

  28. Hey thanks for being willing to express your thoughts

  29. Beautiful Wendy! God bless! And we loved all the comments too!

  30. I enjoyed reading this. As a person from a host congregation, it was a lot of work, and I wasn’t able to attend all the time, but it was so worth it! What a blessing to see the unity of the Church! How fun to see so many friends. What a privilege to host a house full of family. Truly the Lord was with us, and he will continue to guide us. Let’s be faithful. Yvonne

    1. I would love to thank all the Hosts who worked behind the scenes making this happen!

  31. A big Thank you for writing this! Loved reading it. Wish we could have been there.

  32. Truly inspirational to be at this conference! I feel undeserving of this blessing. I found it hard to sing with 1000s of my bros n sis and not cry.

  33. Thank you so much for your contribution for those of us that couldn't be there!

  34. You described it very well. That was the way I saw it too. I believe it’s very important to focus on the right things. Whatsoever is lovely and of good report etc. When you focus on the more outstanding minority you can feel more discouraged. Also, when you see that “wild” minority, know this; they very possibly are struggling from insecurity, grief, or something else extremely difficult. I like the thought of loving them and trying to understand their struggles, and trying to reach out to them with empathy and nonjudgmentally. Also to remember that youth are young and inexperienced, and need to be gently steered in the right direction with unconditional love. Should not be a surprise that they need that. Alot of times they don’t need to hear what they are doing wrong, but rather what they did right. I also think sometimes love is telling the truth tho, because we want everyone to make it to Heaven. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. I believe that the Holy Spirit will lead us in when we should say something and when to keep silent. It was exciting to see that huge group and know that these are my brothers and sisters, and together we are a beautiful bride of Christ. And we can dwell together in unity. What a blessing we have! We better not take it for granted!

    1. So true. This is something I've learned, too. There's often so much more to a person than what you see on the outside. Everyone needs love, that's what's most important!

  35. The 2 main coordinators of the arena/conference center had good things to say! Gabby said they would rather have 10,000 of us than a small number of a different kind of group, (can’t remember just which group she mentioned), but she found us easy to deal with. Also the other one, a man, forget his name, just LOVED the singing and had to cry when listening. He told us very adamantly how much he loved the singing. It was a pleasure to be someone from a hosting congregation and be a worker behind the scenes. Very enjoyable!

    1. This brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the glimpse. I was so sad to miss conference.

  36. I also want to say a big thank you to you, Wendy, for the well written piece. I also want to thank all the ones that worked so hard behind the scenes to make it all go so smoothly!!
    It truly was inspirational to be there and take it all in.
    A great thankfulness came over me that I can be a part of the beautiful bride of Christ!!
    I could just feel the moving of the Holy Spirit as the resolutions were given after the discussions!!
    I have been thinking about the song that was sung,"Onward Christian Soldiers!" The second verse has been going through my mind, about the Church moving forward like a mighty army!!
    Let's all remain faithful and keep fighting the battle until the end it will truly be worth it all!!.

  37. Thank you Wendy us with 86th birthdays felt better to stay home but we were so much connected by the holy Spirit for the lectures we were not distracted by the scene we heard the message that was given by unction to the brother and such clarity. Our revivals, I believe will be accompanied with a greater Grace of sanctification.thank you thank you

  38. Thank you so much Wendy. We were not able to be there due to our age and health but we prayed for the Conference and Listened to the Lectures.

  39. Thank you all. It was a blessing to be at conference, but we also appreciate the testimony of those who felt the same Spirit as they listened at home. We want to send a big thank-you to all who had a part in serving and planning. It was just amazing how efficiently the food lines went, the ushering, cleaning, and the many who worked behind the scenes. May God bless you all!

  40. Thanks Wendy! It was very good to be together at conference to review, strengthen, renew and recapture the faith work dying for. For it is so worth the dying daily to self life. My prayer for myself and all of us is that I/we would go forward now in the strength of God with a clearer vision and purpose. Conference was a small foretaste of that great reunion in heaven, let us all make sure steps to be there! May God bless you all!

  41. Yes thanks for the inspirational report! We weren’t able to be there because of health reasons, but yes, the spirit of it has been caught by listening to the lectures, singing, and testimonies such as yours. We have been privileged to be at many conferences in the past, and we had confidence that the Spirit would be right there and lead just as it has in the past! It IS Gods people!

  42. We couldn't be there much as we would have loved to be, and this is a lovely glimpse into the arena. Somehow stumbled across your blog some time ago and have been silently reading and very much enjoying your writing.

  43. Wendy, it warmed my heart to have this forwarded to me. We weren’t able to get there this year but it brought back how I felt and perceived last time.
