Monday August 29
My first day aiding at school! Got up earlier than I have for awhile. After walking for daily exercise all summer, used my indoor bike for the first time since June 1. Spent 35 minutes biking in Iceland and 30 minutes strength training. Did all the morning things like unloading the dishwasher, watering flowers, packing lunch. Managed to put in an hour at Gehman Accounting before leaving for school around 9:45. I have a love/hate relationship with new beginnings. They're exciting but make me nervous and I always have second thoughts when the time comes for a new start. Comfort zones are so much easier. I have a good feeling about this change, though, as I'm pretty sure my life will be enriched. The youngsters' happy faces made my day! Got home around 5 and relaxed just a bit before heading back to my desk for another 2.75 hours with GA. Cliff helped himself to leftovers then headed off to Phillip's to print Business Bulletin.
Tuesday August 30
My usual day for making an appearance at the GA office in New Holland. I wanted to go on a walk before work and since the daylight hours are lessening (sadly) I didn't get out till after 7. Consequently I got a late start to the day, but the walk was worth it. Stopped on the way to work to pick up my vacuum that was serviced and shopped a little at Ken's Joys, then arrived in the office at 11 and had a normal day of bookkeeping. Every Tuesday the bookkeeping team has a meeting and lately we've all taken a turn answering questions like, "What was the worst job you ever had?" and "What one thing should everyone stop doing right now?" It's an interesting way to get to know your coworkers a little better! Got home around 7, supper tonight was whatever you can find. I headed for bed early, haven't been sleeping well the last few nights and felt it today.
Wednesday August 31
Listened to first day of school reports from Tanner and Chelsea. 😍 Intended to get up and go on a walk but realized I likely wouldn't get any work done before book club at 11:30 if I did that. So I opted to put in 2 hours at my desk before heading to Four Twelve for our lunch meeting. I'd never been there but heard good reviews. I ordered the Garden Wafflet and lavender frozen coffee - both delightful! A fun time, as usual. Our book this month was The Eyes of the World by Harold Bell Wright. Unfortunately I didn't manage to find time to read the lovely old copy I own, although I know it would've been more charming than the audio version. It still made me happy to re-read a book I enjoyed as a youth girl and be immersed in an earlier (more innocent ? ) time. After lunch, Camille and I browsed an antique shop nearby in the old Doris Berry store - an independent women's clothing retailer I remember going to as a girl with mom! It was a lovely half-summer, half-fall day I didn't want to waste so took a walk after coming home. Back to my desk for a couple hours, then made garlic beef enchiladas and Mexican rice for supper. It was time to cook again, we need leftovers for lunches! Cliff was off today and took it easy except for going in to work for awhile and mowing the lawn. He went to fly his latest airplane at school after supper, then got ice cream from Chill n Grill and brought me a strawberry milkshake. Yummy, but not so fun to go to bed on a full stomach.
Thursday September 1
The saddest month of the year has arrived but I think I'll be occupied enough to not feel it too badly. As long as it's still summer weather, I'm good. The rapidly diminishing daylight hours bother me though. September is definitely not the "doorway to the season that awakens my soul", as it is for some! Oh well. Seasons come and go. How did we spend the day? I got up and used the indoor bike for an hour, but didn't feel any wider awake. A deep wave of sleepiness got the better of me and I ended up skipping an hour at my desk to go back to bed. Eventually got around and headed off to school. First hot lunch of pigs in a potato patch, finger jello, and angel food trifle. Very tasty! Today I got my timing figured out a little better and was able to finish ALL the checking. Of course the short time I spent with the kids was the best part. 1st - 4th come for flash cards and I teach 1st grade science and 6th grade reading. I'm with them long enough to have fun but not be responsible at all times, how great is that?! Plus, they color pictures for me. Came home and did an emergency load of wash and worked for GA an hour before getting taco salad ready for supper. Cliff went to help Konrad with his plane, I put in another hour at GA, and got some things around for tomorrow. Didn't make my goal of 9 pm bedtime.
Friday September 2
Decided to sleep later this morning and skip exercise when I realized my brain wouldn't shut down and let me go to sleep last night. Still felt tired though. GA work was left for after school. A slower day today since it was Friday, until I jumped in on Miss Eicher's class with their slime-making art. The kids should've had fun, they got to make a huge mess! Helped clean up afterwards and enjoyed a cream soda from Miss Sensenig, she treated her class with them today. On the way home I picked up leftovers from mom, which came in very handy for supper! Logged 2.5 hours for GA and I think that'll do for this week. Cliff helped Charles with his mower then went to fly his plane with Derek. Glad it's Friday night!
Saturday September 3
Can't say much for today since I had low spirits and zero energy so got by with doing as little as possible. It was a nice day, but I didn't even feel like going outside. Eventually got off the couch and ran the vacuum. Stared at cookbooks for a long time trying to find inspiration but didn't have much luck. Put in a grocery pickup at Sam's and Walmart, and heated up manicotti Camille gave me for supper. How sweet of her! Made a salad to go with it, then put pintos in the instant pot for something to eat next week. Decided to go for a walk at the last minute. It was nearly dark by the time I got home but managed to cover a little over 3 miles. Listened to War and Peace for awhile. Cliff took his flight simulator over to Jace's for the evening.
Sunday September 4
Sunday school lesson on marriage provoked a lively discussion! Tom was the only preacher in church this morning. My folks and Uncle Kendall's are in Brooksville for a Swarey siblings reunion and it sounds like they're having a good time! Tom preached on staying small in our own eyes. Adam Weaver and Teresa Koehn's (Homeworth, OH) engagement announced. We went straight from church to Walmart and Sam's grocery pickup and swung in to Arby's drive through. The people in the car in front of us were acting strangely with car doors open and feet hanging out, arguing and taking a long time ordering, then throwing litter across the parking lot. When their order total was given, the driver closed her door and turned around to her passengers, discussing something briefly. Then she took off across the parking lot, circling a couple times and eventually disappeared. The lady taking orders had a good attitude and was laughing about it when we got to the window. We asked what would happen to their food and she said she'd be looking out for someone to give it to but it would probably get thrown away. We benefitted with an extra beef 'n cheddar! Came home and put groceries away, then took naps, after which I sat on the deck and read a couple chapters of As Is. Cliff started cleaning out the utility closet in the basement, wanting to make an area he can work on planes. I'm hoping a lot of stuff goes in the dumpster! Decided to make a pan of bars and asked if Charles's and Derek's wanted to come after church but they already had plans. The bars didn't turn out anyway, so it was fine! Volunteer service tonight. Ornan gave a very interesting report on their family trip to see Casey in Zimbabwe. Gave me a hankering to re-read Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight or some other book set in that time period in Zimbabwe. Anyone have suggestions?
I love this!! Keep it up! Didn't know you were aiding at school. 👍🏼
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this🥰
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this🥰
DeleteYes… It was great… loved it!!! What are Pigs in a Patch? 😁
ReplyDeleteBaked potatoes topped with pulled pork, cheese, green onion, bacon, BBQ sauce or any other topping that sounds good! 😋
DeleteThis is so cool❣️
ReplyDeleteI should do something like this….🧐 but that doesn’t sound like fun to me 😁 And hey, I don’t know you were aiding at school! That’s great!