September 26, 2022

Weekly Journal Volume 4

Monday September 19
Rode the bike indoors for an hour, first thing. Put in another hour and a half at my desk before getting ready for the day. Stopped at Boyer's for science class supplies - cheese slices to study teeth marks and goldfish crackers to observe the process of chewing and swallowing. You can keep it pretty basic for first graders and they'll still think it's great! One of my observances at school is that the 1st - 4th age group is mostly innocent enough to admire their teacher. Sixth grade reading class is more mentally stimulating but much tougher dealing with pre-teens. Back at home, put in a brief 30 minutes at my desk. My back was hurting so I laid on the couch until Cliff came home from work. Put beef and rice crisp from the freezer in the oven and heated up corn to go with it. Comfort food. The evenings are so short anymore. Supper is over and it's dark. Early to bed for an early alarm.

Tuesday September 20
Today felt like a blur, not sure why. It was an average Tuesday at the office. Gehman Accounting hosted a Business Owners Workship, so saw a few more Amish men than usual. It looked like a perfect day outside, but I didn't really get to enjoy it. The question for bookkeeping meeting was, "Excluding GA, what has been my best job, or the one that has made me come alive, or impacted me the most?" Today was also my 1-on-1. It's a scheduled check-in every month with our manager and operations supervisor. I really appreciate it because it keeps the door open to discuss anything that comes up and is a good place to give and get feedback. Lately they've assigned a spur-of-the-moment question at our 1-on-1 too. This month it was, "What is one topic you could talk about for 15 minutes?" The inequality of pay between men and women doing the same job, along with other related topics, was my answer. When I got home Dad was finishing up the door installation, so the kitchen was dirty again. I'm not going to let it bother me. Cliff met a friend for supper and I headed to bed early. Didn't have any extra gas in the tank to tackle all the things I could've been doing instead.

Wednesday September 21
Happy birthday to my wonderful dad! This was my favorite day of the week (so far). To have a day at home in the middle of the week is a pleasure. Leisurely started my morning, then put in 3 hours at my desk. Went for a walk in the sunny afternoon and had a green smoothie on the deck afterwards. It felt like my summer schedule came back, except for the sun shining at a different angle and the sounds/smells of fall. Puttered around gathering supplies for planting grass seed in science class tomorrow, washing dishes, messaging people, cleaning the new door, making tea for supper and generally rebelling against going back to work. Finally logged in again at 4:30 and worked until 6:30, when I happily left my job behind to go to folks for supper. Mom cooked an award-winning meal of grilled leg & thigh, gourmet potatoes, lettuce salad, rolls, shoo-fly and pear pie with ice cream. Derek made caramel sauce to go on top of the pear pie and a better pie would be hard to find. Of course, any pie mom makes is the best, hands-down. 😁 So blessed to be surrounded by a loving family and good food.

Thursday September 22 β€’ First day of Autumn πŸ‚ 
Was wide awake for awhile during the night, then didn't feel like getting up early to exercise. Worked at my desk for an hour and had enough to do to keep going all day, but it was nice to switch gears and go to school. Cliff was off today, he had an appointment and graciously agreed to do my Walmart and Sam's grocery pickup. I drove the blue pickup to school so he could take the car. No, I did not use the air horn! It was a dark, rainy morning and felt cozy to be inside. Headed home after school to tackle the work still waiting. Cliff was napping in my office when I got home, so I took the opportunity to rest a little too. Needed a bit of a reset before heading to the next job, anyway! Derek came to work on wiring in the addition, so I chased Cliff out of the office and stayed there for the next 2 hours. It has cooled down quite dramatically, and certainly feels like fall tonight!

Friday September 23
Windy and chilly this morning! Got up early but skipped exercise in favor of 2 hours and 40 minutes of work. Had a nagging task I wanted out of the way. Task accomplished, and I'm not logging in anymore this week! Couldn't decide how to dress today. Leggings? Long socks? Boots? Sweater? Nothing seemed to coordinate. Do I need to go shopping? Some of my old faves are getting worn out and I can't find anything I like to replace them. Thought I might have time to work on a bulletin board during school today, but that didn't happen. I've been wanting to get one made for almost 2 weeks now and just can't seem to fit it in. I'll have to make it a priority this weekend. Didn't help that I was extra tired and slow today. Ended up leaving a little earlier than normal - finished the checking and don't have science class on Friday. Stopped at Echo Hill for spices. Decided I could afford to take a nap before the catfish supper tonight. Yes, I've been tired ever since becoming an adult. Prepped a spice rub for pulled pork that's going in the oven tomorrow and now the whole house smells like garlic. Ugh. The annual catfish supper put on by the youth was a success, as always! The menu of fried catfish, jalapeΓ±o or sweet corn hush puppies, coleslaw and baked beans seems to be a hit with everyone. Got home and rubbed the pork to flavor overnight. My bed is cold! Time to put the heated mattress pad back on.

Saturday September 24
Woke up early for a Saturday. Got the notion to go to school and start on the bulletin, so headed out at 6:30. I don't like projects hanging over my head. Did what I needed to at school and brought it home to work on this weekend. Started wash, but wasn't really ready to keep going yet, so shopped awhile. Eventually started on the looming to-do list. Put pork in the oven, balance the checkbook, keep the washer going, get houseplants ready to come inside for the winter. Finally had enough crossed off to start working on the bulletin. Later, headed out to take a walk and enjoy the clear fall air. Pleased that I finished 2 books while going about my day! Started reading through the novels of Jane Austen this summer. Finished Northanger Abbey and started Persuasion today before I was ready for something different. Downloaded The Pecan Man by Cassie Dandridge Selleck and finished it right before going to bed. An excellent Saturday read! Cliff helped me this afternoon by cleaning the car in and out and vacuuming the basement. My evening was spent pulling pork, folding and putting away wash, and working again on the bulletin. Dad and Mom stopped by to bring back the mower and Mom brought us a portion of the jambalaya she had made. Then Cliff wanted ice cream so we went to Chill n Grill. I requested a peanut butter banana milkshake and it was delightful! Picked up an order at Kohl's and filled the car with gas. Fresh sheets and my heated mattress pad feel lovely after a full day.

Sunday September 25
Got up to make black beans for lunch. We planned a get together with a few people to be with Daniel & Sharon Kaufmann from Sleepy Creek boys camp. Were hoping to go to a park but there was rain in the forecast so we switched to school. Came home after church to change clothes and grab food. Menu of pulled pork burrito bowls and fresh fruit turned out well! We were around 30 people and had an enjoyable afternoon. It did rain for awhile so we made the right call in switching location. Took a little nap before getting ready for church. Daniel gave a report on camp life. Very interesting! I'd like to learn more about some of the approaches they use to teach responsibility and consequences. The family met at folks after church for nachos, apple pie, and other goodies. Got to bed much too late.

Keeping this journal has been a fun way to start writing again, but I'm going to let it go for the next while. Life has been full and I need to focus on some extra projects now, so it seemed best to put this aside. 

Happy Monday!

September 18, 2022

Weekly Journal Volume 3

Monday September 12
A relaxing weekend should have given me lots of pep for Monday morning, no? But that's not how it worked. Snoozed my early alarm and skipped exercise. Once I got up I realized it was a very bad decision. I'd forgotten about some GA work that really had to get done before school, but thankfully still had enough time to get it done. Squeezed in 2 loads of wash but didn't have time for breakfast. Felt the need for caffeine, so swung through Dunkin for an iced pumpkin spice latte. (Don't put me in the pumpkin spice fanatic category, though. I only got it because there was a deal.) Not such a great start to the day. Plus it was cloudy. I soon felt brighter after spending time with the school children, though! When the school day was over, I started tackling the backlog of GA work. Leftovers for supper. Didn't get as much work done as I would've liked, but decided to quit so that I can get up early tomorrow. I see I need a better routine. Working in the evening is too much stimulation for my brain and I can't relax when it's time to sleep. Cliff worked in the basement and Jace came over to use the flight simulator. 

Tuesday September 13
Rode the indoor bike and fixed myself fried egg over toast for breakfast. Monthly staff meeting was at 8:15 but I didn't make it to the office in time so watched/listened via Teams on my way in. Started chipping away at the pile of bookkeeping that has somehow accumulated since last week. The question for today's bookkeeping meeting was "Not counting your phone app, texting apps, calendar app, email app, browser app, or Google maps, what is one other app you would hang onto if you could only have 7 apps on your smartphone? Weather was a popular choice and a few others chose audiobook apps (Libby, Scribd, Overdrive, Hoopla) like I did. Took a quick lunch break while driving client deposits to the bank. Soon it was time to leave for Derek & Camille's gender reveal! Quickly pulled into Sam's for gas and prescription pickup on the way to the flying field where we were told to meet. It was a lovely day and evening, perfect for the occasion. Folks, Charles's, Carson & Kia and Cliff & I were the observers. Derek tied smoke bombs to his RC plane and flew around until the smoke came out blue!! πŸ’™ Incidentally, a majority of us had guessed it would be a boy. Afterwards we all headed to Derek's for a scrumptious supper of chicken and steak fajitas, black beans, rice, chips and salsa, and French silk dessert. Looking forward to my one day at home this week - tomorrow! 

Wednesday September 14
Took my time getting up this morning, looked for bulletin board ideas and spent too much time procrastinating on my phone. Did a load of wash and put in an hour at work before getting ready to go on a walk. It was so good to get outside again! And this fall weather is superb. Showered, then ran to Ruthie's and Boyer's for a few groceries. Found the cutest little green pumpkins at Ruthie's! Haven't pulled out any fall decor yet, maybe I can manage that this weekend. By the time I had all the little things done it was well nigh to midday. Finally got back to my desk and realized I would not be able to get everything done this week that should be getting done unless I kept the kind of schedule I have no interest in keeping. Asked for help and hopefully I'll be able to handle what's left. Worked a few hours until getting supper ready. Wednesday is the best day for me to cook and I have to make it worthwhile! Made 7 pie pans of hash brown quiche. It freezes beautifully and I like to have it on hand. Blended orange julius to go with it for supper. Early to bed but couldn't get to sleep for a long time. Why is it I have the most energy of the day when it's time to wind down? 😩

Thursday September 15
Got an early start to the day, my brain decided it was time to be wide awake before 4 am. Rode the bike, then put in almost 2 hours at work before getting ready for school. Had an ordinary day there. Mom stopped in for a little to see how the plants she started for my classroom are coming along. They're doing great - I think the cheerful voices of the little people make them happy! My energy level was draining rapidly by the time I got home and I couldn't find the gumption to put in more than 30 minutes at my desk. Finally just lay on the couch and fell asleep until Cliff got home. He headed over to Charles's to look at something on his truck and I Wordled while mustering up the strength to make supper. Got "doubt" in 2 tries!! My stats have been dismal lately so this is surprising. Heated up meatballs in cream sauce that I pulled from the freezer this morning and made potatoes in the Instant Pot. First time I tried that. I could hardly believe 2 minutes would be long enough so I made it 3, they did need longer. But wow, that was super quick and actually pretty tasty! An early bedtime again.

Friday September 16
Just couldn't get enthused about an indoor bike ride this morning. Got up soon after Cliff and put in 30 minutes at my desk, then decided a walk was more necessary than getting work done. Had to wear long sleeves - it was in the 50's! Felt chilly at first, then invigorating. Such a nice time of day to be outside. Hot lunch at school today! The ladies were already there when I arrived. SaraBeth was one of the cooks, so I got Drew and took him in my room until Mariah and Allie came in from recess. He lit up when he saw them and they had big smiles on their faces. 😍 Lunch was baked chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, Georgia salad and watermelon, jello cake for dessert. Such a classic, tasty combination. Drew hung out with me again while the ladies were cleaning up. I took him with me for 6th grade reading class. He was entertained by watching the upper graders play softball right outside the window and was a cutie. Being an aunt is not overrated! It was a good day at school. Logged in to GA soon after getting home. I do not want to work tomorrow so had to get caught up. Put in a little over 2 hours and finished up just as Cliff got home from looking at Uncle Wade's mower after work. Heated up leftovers, then decided to go check out the 75th annual Oley Fair even though we were tired. It's something we always wanted to do and we're both off tomorrow so why not? It was quite an experience! Some very unique displays of produce, baked & canned goods, farm animals, GIGANTIC pumpkins, and much more.

The biggest pumpkin this year was 1,191 pounds. The watermelon display also caught my eye. If I remember correctly, the largest one weighed 160 pounds! The most interesting display was the people, though. I could've sat there for hours observing families, teenagers, and hair styles (the mullet is making a comeback πŸ˜„). We thought about getting some food - you can't go to a fair without eating, can you? - but we really weren't hungry and didn't feel like standing in the long lines. Left shortly before closing time at 10:00. 

Saturday September 17
A lazy Saturday morning. Had a hankering for coffee cake but didn't have milk so I sent Cliff to the store. He came back with regular milk AND chocolate milk, plus candy corn. πŸ˜† Eventually had our coffee cake close to noon. I started the wash and paid bills. Dad came to install a new door and I tried to stay out of the way. Felt tired again so took a little nap. Could've done lots of things - wash windows, work outside, make a bulletin for school - but didn't have the want-to. Besides, what is the point of cleaning in the middle of a construction project? The house only got dirtier today, not cleaner. Finally found enough energy to go on a walk in the afternoon. It was nice and warm again. The mornings and evenings have a chill these days. Dealt with all the wash after I got back. Cliff had cleaned up the worst of the construction dirt, bless his heart. It always looks overwhelming to me. We planned to go to Heisler's for food and ice cream with the family this evening. We like to make the 45 minute trip about once a year. It's a beautiful drive, and a very peaceful country location. The mountains are still looking green, not much color yet. We had our hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken fingers, and fries, then we ladies and the kids went on a walk around the mini golf course in the back. Caught up with the men across the road at the driving range, where they were hitting golf balls. Then we were ready for ice cream! Sadly they didn't have waffle cones so I had my 2 scoops of strawberry cheesecake in a regular cone. Very delicious! We sat on benches near the mini golf course eating our ice cream and watching the kids run around. We soon needed jackets as the sun went down. Left before it got full dark, and that was the end of the day.

Sunday September 18
We were invited to Weston & Sharon's for lunch and I was bringing dessert, so got up and made peach crisp. Sam & Anna are back in Fleetwood and just crossed the 50 years married mark, so he preached on marriage this morning. Then there was a wedding announcement of two senior citizens, Sam Zimmerman and Bertha Leid. We were at Weston's with Misses Sensenig, Eicher, and Wedel, Joel & Kaleigh, Mike, and Zach & Kristy. Good food and good company. Took little naps after we got home, then proceeded to finish up the weekend chores. No church tonight. I cleaned the kitchen, did a load of wash, and got out the fall decor. Cliff vacuumed for me. The house feels a little cleaner. Got to bed late - the alarm will come too early tomorrow. 

September 11, 2022

Weekly Journal Volume 2

Monday September 5 - Labor Day
Had a lazy morning, read in bed for awhile, then got ready for the day. Did a quick clean in the bathroom and walked around outside, saw the green worms were on my petunias so yanked them out. From prior experience I know there's no point trying to save them once they've attacked! Everything has the late summer, exhausted look of being past its prime. It's been dry most of the summer and brown, crunchy leaves are falling off the trees. The white begonias in my flowerbeds are finally looking nice after being chomped on by deer several times. Roses are blooming prettily yet too. We had arranged to go biking with Derek's, so got loaded up around 10:30 and headed to the Ironton Rail Trail in Lehigh County. 

We'd never been there but were impressed! It's an easy-riding, entirely paved trail. There were quite a few other bikers, joggers, and walkers to navigate around though. It was a sort of oppressively humid, overcast day but the breeze made by biking was comfortable. We went almost 13 miles in approximately an hour and a half. Tried a couple places for lunch that ended up being closed since it was Labor Day, so finally settled for Burger King. On the way home we drove through rain and it continued off and on the rest of the day. I laid down for a little snooze while Cliff took a load of basement junk to the dumpster. Knew I had to tackle some GA work yet today so barely dozed before getting back up. Spent almost 2 hours at my desk but couldn't do the job I most needed to get done due to not being able to sign on to client's computer. Grrrr. More work that has to get done before Friday. We're going on a weekend vacay so I need to have my ducks in a row this week. Charles's invited us for a brisket supper and we had a good evening with Justin's and Kenny's and being entertained by the kids. Had to go the long way around to get home because a train was stopped on the tracks at all the main Fleetwood crossings. Listened to the lovely sound of rain on my windowpane while going to sleep.

Tuesday September 6
Woke up during the night and heard the rain again. Almost looked as if things were already getting greener on my drive to Lancaster County this morning! I didn't race around trying to get out the door on time. Took my time getting my indoor bike ride/strength training done, then read Messenger obituaries for awhile. Had breakfast, then finally showered and got ready for the day. Today marks one year at Gehman Accounting! Can I once again express how thankful I am that I'm no longer at LVHN?? Been remembering those days again and how miserable that was. There are things I miss but I'm overwhelmingly relieved to not be there anymore. Put in 8 hours at GA and got home after 7. Cliff found his own supper, I snacked on a variety of foodstuffs. Cliff went to help Konrad with his plane again and I got to bed in decent time.

Wednesday September 7
Skipped exercise this morning. Wednesday won't be my usual day for aiding at school but I switched because we'll be gone Friday. Had quite a few things I was hoping to get done before leaving this morning, but only crossed a few off the list. Got caught up on our finances, put in 15 minutes with GA, and that was all I managed besides getting ready for the day. It seems the children are getting more familiar with me and loosening up. I love when they tell stories or volunteer information. 
"I lost a tooth today!" 
"I like your dress!" 
"We put a caterpillar in this jar and it made a cocoon!" 
But they're also comfortable making extra noises during class or talking without raising their hand or anything to push the boundaries a little. Keeps me on my toes! Came home and signed in to GA for 3 hours, made supper in between. Spaghetti meat from the freezer heated up and poured over a fresh pot of noodles with store-bought garlic bread on the side made a speedy meal. Cliff went with Derek and Camille to purchase supplies for the gender reveal coming next week. 🀩

Thursday September 8
After a few cloudy days, the sunshine this morning perked me up. If only I could've taken a walk. It appears my walking days are winding down as my schedule gets fuller. Settled for an early hour indoor bike ride since there was a lot to accomplish today. Threw a load of wash in, showered, and stirred up pumpkin chocolate chip muffins to take along to school. Left a little early to swing by DG for science class supplies. Didn’t have any checking to do until close to noon, so studied next week's lessons in between flash card games. Kaleigh brought a delightful lunch of chicken pot pie and cinnamon applesauce jello for the teachers. Later in the day Crystal came and whipped up frappes for all of us. Bless these ladies and their awesome food! Someone else brought bars for after school, so the teachers were well fueled today! I scooted out pretty quickly after school because I had a lot to get done for GA before taking the day off tomorrow. Stayed glued to my computer for the next 5.5 hours and got a satisfactory amount of work done. Cliff was off today and worked on his basement clean-up and mowed the yard. 

Friday September 9
Slept until I woke up, how nice. Got packed up and left the house around 9:30 for our weekend getaway in NY. It was a perfectly lovely day, sunny and warm but not hot. I've blogged before here about our annual trip to the Hudson River Valley and I'm not even sure how many years we've been doing this now! We do pretty much the same things every time but have never stayed at the same place. First stop today was TFS - The Filling Station in Haverstraw. 

It doesn't look like such a great place when you drive up, but we have gone back there every year for their excellent burgers and fries. If you were to take the same route and do the same things we do, you might not think it's anything special. We find it very relaxing because we are the type of people who think doing nothing is fun. πŸ˜„ After lunch, we spent the afternoon at the Stony Point lighthouse, lying on blankets and reading. Cliff watched the river with his spotting scope and only occasionally mentioned the ants. The weather could not have been better!

Why we love it: restful views and surprisingly isolated in a populous community. We lay on our blankets for several hours and only a handful of people came by. Around 4:00 we decided to make our way to where we are staying, which was another hour away. Stopped for ice cream at Weir's along the way. It was a good choice! They serve multiple flavors of homemade hard ice cream along with the usual ice cream treats. My homemade peach in a waffle cone hit the spot. I tried Cliff's pralines and cream and it was top-notch too! Our Airbnb is in Walden, which isn't exactly along the Hudson but looked to be the best choice for our dates. It's a cute, comfortable apartment in the attic of our host's house. I lounged on the futon while Cliff took the chair, soon we were both napping. We stayed in all evening, briefly going outside to look at the gorgeous full moon. I wanted to nosh on something but we didn't feel like going anywhere so I settled for a bag of microwave popcorn which was enough to satisfy. Showered, read, and retired.

Saturday September 10
Slept well and started our day with brunch at Felicia's Little Diner, a homey local spot. My Benedict Arnold breakfast (poached egg, Canadian bacon, and sausage gravy over English muffin) was very tasty and Cliff's plate of a little bit of everything looked yummy too. The 40 minute drive to Poughkeepsie took us through countryside we'd never experienced yet. Farms, lots of apple orchards, wineries, and farm markets along the road made for a picturesque drive. Unloaded our bikes at the Walkway Over the Hudson and spent the next 2.5 hours biking on the paved rail trails on both sides of the bridge.

It was a super calm day and the water was smooth and clear. Every other time we've been here it was fairly windy by the middle of the bridge, but today there was barely a stir. We totaled 20 miles on the trail and it was absolutely fantastic the whole way! We were ready for food by the time we headed out. Stopped for pizza slices in a shopping center just outside of Poughkeepsie. Picked up some snacks at the grocery store nearby, then decided to check out Historic Hugenot Street in New Paltz.

There are several buildings dating back to the 1700's, a quaint village in the midst of a modern town. We noticed there was a trail nearby, so we unloaded the bikes again and checked it out. It was a more secluded trail than the one we'd been on, very peaceful. Stopped on a bridge spanning the Wallkill River and sat there awhile, just enjoying the scenery.

We only went a few miles on this trail. It's so great how you can cover a good distance and see a lot in a short time on a bike! Headed towards our Airbnb, stopping at a farmers market along the way to pick up some fresh local apples, a can of sparkling cider, and apple cider donuts. Sampled some of everything. Spent the rest of the evening lounging, on our phones and reading.

Sunday September 11
A rainy day, and time to go home. The weather this weekend couldn't have been better if we'd ordered it! We took it easy this morning and left the Airbnb a little before 11. Stopped down the street at Orange County Bagel for breakfast sandwiches on everything bagels. Took a more scenic route home through Delaware Water Gap and the Poconos, but it rained most of the way so we didn't stop anywhere. Settled in for naps shortly after getting home, a perfect day for doing nothing. Wasn't exactly ready to get back in the swing of things right away, but it had to be done. Unpack, start wash, unload dishwasher, run vacuum. Listened to church, a thought-provoking message. And just like that, a good week has ended.

September 4, 2022

Weekly Journal Volume 1

Since I haven't been in a writing mood lately, I'm going to try out this weekly journal that some of my friends do. I always look forward to getting the "news" on Monday! I've hesitated to try it myself because frankly, the meal situation in our household is pathetic and publishing the inside details is kind of embarrassing. So let's have extremely low expectations for that. I could make more disclaimers but I'm not going to. This is my life and who I am! I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up, we'll just see how it goes.

Monday August 29
My first day aiding at school! Got up earlier than I have for awhile. After walking for daily exercise all summer, used my indoor bike for the first time since June 1. Spent 35 minutes biking in Iceland and 30 minutes strength training. Did all the morning things like unloading the dishwasher, watering flowers, packing lunch. Managed to put in an hour at Gehman Accounting before leaving for school around 9:45. I have a love/hate relationship with new beginnings. They're exciting but make me nervous and I always have second thoughts when the time comes for a new start. Comfort zones are so much easier. I have a good feeling about this change, though, as I'm pretty sure my life will be enriched. The youngsters' happy faces made my day! Got home around 5 and relaxed just a bit before heading back to my desk for another 2.75 hours with GA. Cliff helped himself to leftovers then headed off to Phillip's to print Business Bulletin. 

Tuesday August 30
My usual day for making an appearance at the GA office in New Holland. I wanted to go on a walk before work and since the daylight hours are lessening (sadly) I didn't get out till after 7. Consequently I got a late start to the day, but the walk was worth it. Stopped on the way to work to pick up my vacuum that was serviced and shopped a little at Ken's Joys, then arrived in the office at 11 and had a normal day of bookkeeping. Every Tuesday the bookkeeping team has a meeting and lately we've all taken a turn answering questions like, "What was the worst job you ever had?" and "What one thing should everyone stop doing right now?" It's an interesting way to get to know your coworkers a little better! Got home around 7, supper tonight was whatever you can find. I headed for bed early, haven't been sleeping well the last few nights and felt it today.

Wednesday August 31
Listened to first day of school reports from Tanner and Chelsea. 😍 Intended to get up and go on a walk but realized I likely wouldn't get any work done before book club at 11:30 if I did that. So I opted to put in 2 hours at my desk before heading to Four Twelve for our lunch meeting. I'd never been there but heard good reviews. I ordered the Garden Wafflet and lavender frozen coffee - both delightful! A fun time, as usual. Our book this month was The Eyes of the World by Harold Bell Wright. Unfortunately I didn't manage to find time to read the lovely old copy I own, although I know it would've been more charming than the audio version. It still made me happy to re-read a book I enjoyed as a youth girl and be immersed in an earlier (more innocent ? ) time. After lunch, Camille and I browsed an antique shop nearby in the old Doris Berry store - an independent women's clothing retailer I remember going to as a girl with mom! It was a lovely half-summer, half-fall day I didn't want to waste so took a walk after coming home. Back to my desk for a couple hours, then made garlic beef enchiladas and Mexican rice for supper. It was time to cook again, we need leftovers for lunches! Cliff was off today and took it easy except for going in to work for awhile and mowing the lawn. He went to fly his latest airplane at school after supper, then got ice cream from Chill n Grill and brought me a strawberry milkshake. Yummy, but not so fun to go to bed on a full stomach.

Thursday September 1
The saddest month of the year has arrived but I think I'll be occupied enough to not feel it too badly. As long as it's still summer weather, I'm good. The rapidly diminishing daylight hours bother me though. September is definitely not the "doorway to the season that awakens my soul", as it is for some! Oh well. Seasons come and go. How did we spend the day? I got up and used the indoor bike for an hour, but didn't feel any wider awake. A deep wave of sleepiness got the better of me and I ended up skipping an hour at my desk to go back to bed. Eventually got around and headed off to school. First hot lunch of pigs in a potato patch, finger jello, and angel food trifle. Very tasty! Today I got my timing figured out a little better and was able to finish ALL the checking. Of course the short time I spent with the kids was the best part. 1st - 4th come for flash cards and I teach 1st grade science and 6th grade reading. I'm with them long enough to have fun but not be responsible at all times, how great is that?! Plus, they color pictures for me. Came home and did an emergency load of wash and worked for GA an hour before getting taco salad ready for supper. Cliff went to help Konrad with his plane, I put in another hour at GA, and got some things around for tomorrow. Didn't make my goal of 9 pm bedtime.

Friday September 2
Decided to sleep later this morning and skip exercise when I realized my brain wouldn't shut down and let me go to sleep last night. Still felt tired though. GA work was left for after school. A slower day today since it was Friday, until I jumped in on Miss Eicher's class with their slime-making art. The kids should've had fun, they got to make a huge mess! Helped clean up afterwards and enjoyed a cream soda from Miss Sensenig, she treated her class with them today. On the way home I picked up leftovers from mom, which came in very handy for supper! Logged 2.5 hours for GA and I think that'll do for this week. Cliff helped Charles with his mower then went to fly his plane with Derek. Glad it's Friday night! 

Saturday September 3
Can't say much for today since I had low spirits and zero energy so got by with doing as little as possible. It was a nice day, but I didn't even feel like going outside. Eventually got off the couch and ran the vacuum. Stared at cookbooks for a long time trying to find inspiration but didn't have much luck. Put in a grocery pickup at Sam's and Walmart, and heated up manicotti Camille gave me for supper. How sweet of her! Made a salad to go with it, then put pintos in the instant pot for something to eat next week. Decided to go for a walk at the last minute. It was nearly dark by the time I got home but managed to cover a little over 3 miles. Listened to War and Peace for awhile. Cliff took his flight simulator over to Jace's for the evening. 

Sunday September 4
Sunday school lesson on marriage provoked a lively discussion! Tom was the only preacher in church this morning. My folks and Uncle Kendall's are in Brooksville for a Swarey siblings reunion and it sounds like they're having a good time! Tom preached on staying small in our own eyes. Adam Weaver and Teresa Koehn's (Homeworth, OH) engagement announced. We went straight from church to Walmart and Sam's grocery pickup and swung in to Arby's drive through. The people in the car in front of us were acting strangely with car doors open and feet hanging out, arguing and taking a long time ordering, then throwing litter across the parking lot. When their order total was given, the driver closed her door and turned around to her passengers, discussing something briefly. Then she took off across the parking lot, circling a couple times and eventually disappeared. The lady taking orders had a good attitude and was laughing about it when we got to the window. We asked what would happen to their food and she said she'd be looking out for someone to give it to but it would probably get thrown away. We benefitted with an extra beef 'n cheddar! Came home and put groceries away, then took naps, after which I sat on the deck and read a couple chapters of As Is. Cliff started cleaning out the utility closet in the basement, wanting to make an area he can work on planes. I'm hoping a lot of stuff goes in the dumpster! Decided to make a pan of bars and asked if Charles's and Derek's wanted to come after church but they already had plans. The bars didn't turn out anyway, so it was fine! Volunteer service tonight. Ornan gave a very interesting report on their family trip to see Casey in Zimbabwe. Gave me a hankering to re-read Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight or some other book set in that time period in Zimbabwe. Anyone have suggestions?