July 16, 2021

Friday evening reflection

It's a Friday summer evening, I just savored a  chocolate dipped chocolate ice cream bar, and I'm lounging in my deck chair... this is what makes life good! 😄

Schwan's Double Chocolate Ice Cream Bars 😋

It was a stressful yet rewarding work week. I was off most of last week and was surprised at the warm welcome back I got. Now that my training is over and I'm on my own, I'm enjoying my job more. I know for a certainty I don't want to be anywhere but the IV room, and I'm trying to get transferred there full time. It comes with a lot of drama and stress though, because of certain people and how things are handled. I try not to get involved, but one of the techs is having major problems in her personal life and freely talks about it every day. Last weekend the wife of her "side piece" called while she was at work and confronted her about their affair. Since then things have blown up and every day she's unloading on some of our male coworkers, who she also hangs out with outside of work. They have their own significant others, who aren't happy about the attention she gives them. There's a lot more to the story, but I don't need to go into all the details. It's not easy working with her, but I think she's desperately unhappy. She doesn't have any real friends. It's hard not to join in all the gossip, although I don't want anything to do with the drama so I try to stay out of it. 

Another coworker has lost her dad and her dog (she's single, and the dog was a close companion) within the last year. A couple weeks ago, her mom came in for surgery and had major complications. She ended up on a ventilator, dialysis, and all kinds of life-sustaining treatment. It sounds like she won't recover and it's only a matter of time before they've exhausted all the options. My coworker is holding up remarkably well, but it's taking a toll. 

Our manager has been implementing some new processes to make our IV room more compliant with regulations, and there's been a few rough days. Some people can hardly handle change and it's hard for them to retrain their thinking. They get up tight and start lashing out at others, and things go downhill fast. Yesterday was one of the most chaotic I've experienced. I was on stats 2 days in a row, and the first day was calm and almost boring. The next day, it was out of control. I couldn't keep up and at one point there were 3 of us doing stats. At least I finally felt useful! It was actually one of the best days I've had at work because that speed is much more to my liking. It exhausts me to not be busy and have to look for things to do. Some of my coworkers told me this morning they didn't know if I'd show up after how I got my butt kicked yesterday! Excuse the crude language, I actually tamed it down from what they really said! 😆 

Even though I don't say a lot about my beliefs or even talk much, I'm realizing people see things. Someone said this morning, "Wendy, you don't curse, do you?" When I said no, she asked if it offended me that they do. I don't feel it's my place to preach or try to correct them, so my response was something like, "No, you're you and I'm me." It does get wearisome being around ungodly people, but it gives me a boost to hear them say things like, "You're always so nice!" 

I'm still glad to leave it all behind at the end of the day. I'll be spending the weekend avoiding work stress! 


  1. You are a shining star! 🌟 Stay strong, girl! 💪🏼 And enjoy your much deserved weekend!

  2. Your last graphic made me laugh😂 I’m sure your quiet example goes a long way.
    💓Love always!
