I mentioned in this post that we were using the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine even though it hadn't been proven effective. President Trump has touted it as a cure for coronavirus and claims to be taking it. However, further studies have shown it to be ineffective against COVID-19 and because of potential harmful side effects, doctors are no longer recommending it. The most recent "miracle drug" for treating coronavirus is the antiviral Remdesivir. Currently the federal government controls which hospitals get this drug, based on data such as number of COVID cases and number of ventilated patients. We got our first supply last week, but it was only enough for one severely ill patient. Our hospital command center along with doctors involved in treating the sickest patients, decided who would get it. Again, this drug has not yet been proven effective although some studies have shown hopeful signs. The patient who received our first supply of Remdesivir did not improve or get worse for the first few days. He eventually began to further decline though, and passed away yesterday. In the meantime we received a larger shipment of drug and now have several patients on it. Time will tell if it actually works.
There was an incident in the ER on Sunday that made it into our local paper. A combative patient punched a nurse aide in the face, knocking him down and breaking his glasses. The patient was charged with assault, although the aide was not seriously injured. You can read the article here. I'm glad action was taken to protect the caregiver, because they often put up with abuse from patients.
The weather has been delightful this week and I'm looking forward to being off all next week! We get two weeks of vacation every year, and I like to choose the end of May because it's one of the most beautiful times of the year in my opinion. I hope to spend lots of time outside, puttering around in my flowerbeds and soaking in the sunshine!
I love hearing about things inside a hospital right now...it's fascinating to me! Keep up the good work!