October 4, 2019

the in-between time

Weather really affects my mood. The end-of-summer feeling is dragging on, and true invigorating fall days are not yet here. It's hard to feel inspired in this in-between time.

Today was a good day though. After working until 11 last night, I slept late and lounged around all morning since it was my day off. It was the perfect gray rainy day for idleness. I continued in this manner all day, and didn't accomplish anything more than a trip to the grocery store, a load of wash, and cooking supper. The rest of my time was spent reading and napping. What luxury!

I'm trying to embrace having a day like today without feeling slightly selfish and guilty, but haven't fully accomplished it. We're so trained to make efficient use of our time and achieve a standard of being a good wife/homemaker/mother/employee and that can be exhausting. I've found it refreshing and uplifting to my mental health to have a day to completely relax without having a to-do list. But there's this little voice in the back of my mind that says, "You're slothful and lazy. You should've sewed/cleaned/done this or that instead of wasting the day away." Is this voice the truth? Or is it alright to practice self-care by occasionally doing exactly what we like? Mothers probably never even have a chance to experience a lazy day and that makes me feel even more convicted, but also privileged!

To chase away the seasonal blues, I sit on my deck and soak up the sunshine on a nice day. Getting outside and walking is another boost, but takes more effort. I faithfully walked for a month or so until I began having knee pain like I've never experienced. It was so painful it affected my energy at work so I've taken an extended break. I really want to try again soon, maybe with a knee brace. I guess I'm aging!

Tomorrow is back to work. The following quote is really quite true for me, so I will continue taking time for relaxation and self-care and try to look at it as a way to recharge and make my work even better!


  1. Sometimes I even feel guilty when all I've accomplished in the day is taking care of the family! But my husband tells me if I spend time with the children it's not a wasted day. Sorry about the knee pain�� really enjoy your blog!

  2. Another thing you can ask yourself is, will I really be any farther ahead in a month's time if I get lots done today versus taking a little time to relax?? So enjoy that book and the sunshine!��

  3. I agree with you, we are taught to be as productive as possible! Are we taught the value of self-care and true relaxation? Not so much! Carving out time for that, when you have the chance, is a lovely thing. So silence those “get busy grimlins” and enjoy that sunshine. I just had a nap to recharge a little and now it’s out to enjoy our first 86* day after a month of 90-95*!

  4. I was so grateful to my family for letting me fly to MO for a "quilt retreat" which involved meeting friends in person for first time! Also first time traveling alone and visiting friends since I got married shortly after turning 18! Made wonderful memories....
    Brooks glycerin or ghost model shoes might be worth a try in regards to the knee pain. It's amazing how good fitting footwear affects the body!

    1. I've been considering trying those shoes. Maybe I'll go ahead!

  5. Loved this post! I can so relate! We had a sermon not long back on the importance of rest. Even Jesus rested. 😉 Relaxing without feeling guilty is my goal too!
