June 3, 2019

work and leisure

Random happenings and thoughts are on my mind, so I'll just start writing and see how this turns out!

Last night at work there was a little excitement. A patient in CCU had to have an emergent bedside TEE. Normally this procedure is done in the cath lab, where they have all the needed meds and supplies. Since it was being done bedside, pharmacy had to send some meds. I took a call from the cardiologist who said, "Listen, I need you to get that Hurricaine spray and lidocaine up here NOW." I told him we were working on it, and he said "Yes, I know you're working on it, but the patient is sedated and I need it in the next 30 seconds." He wasn't mean about it, but definitely put the pressure on! Interesting side note, this cardiologist is a nephew to Joan Rivers. He's very talkative and intense, and I think he's a good doctor. Awhile later, the pharmacist told me this same patient needed Kcentra, an IV medication given for an uncontrolled bleed. I never mixed it before, and they already called asking for it. After getting a brief instruction from the pharmacist, I headed back to the clean room to figure it out. The method of mixing is a little different than normal, and I had a few problems so the pharmacist ended up coming to help. Thank goodness I didn't mess it up, because the dose the patient got was worth at least $60,000! Next time I have to do it, I'll know much better how to do the manipulations. It seems most people, including me, learn a lot better by doing, rather than watching. That's how we get trained in the pharmacy, anyway! 

My work schedule is a little undesirable right now. I have 9 work days of 2:30 - 11 PM, followed by night shift training, which will be 5 nights of 11 PM - 7 AM. By the time that's over, it will be the middle of June. Such a lovely month and I'm confined to being indoors working or sleeping the day away. I find it hard to get a routine when I work until 11 PM. When I get home, I'm not ready to sleep right away, so I end up reading or something until 1 or 2 AM. Then I sleep late, maybe do a few things around the house, leisurely get ready for work, and start all over again. It makes me feel sluggish and I find myself procrastinating even more than usual. 

My flowers and woodland gardens are looking great even though it feels like I haven't given them much attention. Thanks to Preen, the weeds in the woodland beds are staying quite manageable. I still need to plant some flowers by the mailbox. I wanted to try bubblegum petunias but when I checked at two greenhouses today, they were gone. 

Today was a perfect sunny day and my day off, so I spent some time reading in my chair on the deck. I believe in seizing the opportunity to enjoy a perfect day when you get one!

The sky was the clearest blue, and it wasn't humid. It was a perfect wash-drying day, and I can't wait to sleep on my sun-dried fresh sheets tonight! Hanging wash outside is so satisfying. 

After supper I took a walk. The last few weeks I've been sporadic in keeping up that habit. Maybe if I publicly acknowledge that I've been slacking, it will motivate me to try harder! I always feel better when I do it, but my self discipline is lacking.  

It's June... live in the sunshine, smell the flowers, spend time porch sittin', and seize the day!


  1. I've decided this year that June is the best month to be alive!!

  2. Loved your post! June has been and always will be my favorite month! :) All the best with your schedule this month! argh.
