April 12, 2019

Kansas vacation

We just spent a delightful five days in Kansas with my little sister and her husband of six months. It was so neat getting to see her house for the first time, eat her delicious meals, and have sister time! Although I'm lucky enough to live at the same place as my parents and two brothers, I miss my sisters! I'm so glad we love each other and get along. Not everyone can say that!

Driving is our preferred way of traveling. It's so much more relaxing when you don't have to be at the airport at a certain time, pack everything just right, wait in long lines, and be squished into an airplane seat. On our way to Kansas we left around midnight and drove for eighteen hours. Then we were able to have a relaxing evening at a motel and get rested before driving six hours the next day. Cliff had been working nights the week we left, so he was used to staying awake, which worked out great.

While we were there, Kansas showed us some of its most beautiful and most uncomfortable weather. Thankfully it was sunny, calm, and warm for the most part. We experienced a 60° change in temperature one day though, with tremendous wind causing clouds of dust. The following morning there was a slight dusting of snow. Overall, springtime was at least two weeks farther along than at home. I had fun working in Camille's yard, making a flowerbed and planting bushes. The men pitched in and tilled up the flowerbed and tore out overgrown bushes. Of interest to me was the fact that I never saw one rock while working in the soil. That's so drastically different from home, where everywhere I dig, there's lots of rocks! The day was topped off with an outdoor supper of hot dogs and s'mores. It was a calm perfect evening to spend around the fire with Derek's family. His family also treated us to a grilled pizza meal at their house the first evening we were there. All different kinds of yummy pizzas, including dill pickle and dessert pizzas, were served.

My birthday was spent with the men going to an air museum while Camille and I got pedicures and shopped. 😊 Lunch was at a great bbq restaurant, and I indulged myself with a piece of fabulous lemon meringue pie later. The next day Cliff and I and Camille went to Montezuma. We had lunch with one of my oldest friends while Camille met one of her friends. Old friends truly are "gold." No matter how much time goes by without any contact, when you meet them again, there's always that connection.

In the afternoon we spent time with my Aunt Anna and her family. Derek joined us there for a tasty supper. We all enjoyed being with them and having some good laughs!

Goodbyes are no fun, especially if you don't know when you'll see each other again. It tugged on my heart to leave her out there on the plains of western Kansas. But she has a good husband, a lovely home, and people to look after her there. She will make it.

We're driving through the night again and will keep going until sometime tomorrow when we'll stop in Ohio to be with my other sister and her family. It's been a wonderful vacation!


  1. I feel so blessed to have all my blood sisters, plus some wonderful sil's all living here. Reminds me not to take it for granted because it may not always be this way, who knows!!

  2. Thanks for the vacay report! 👍🏼😁

  3. Nice report, Wendy; can’t wait till you’re here!😍

  4. It was such a fun 5 days Wendy😊 now we have good memories❤️
