April 24, 2019

garden ramblings

Ahhh spring! I think I forget how beautiful it is because every year I marvel at how the earth bursts forth with new life. In my opinion, this spring has been one of the nicest we've had for awhile. Some years it's just dreary, rainy, and cold until May, which is what Darren from work calls "sprinter". We've had enough sunshine and rain to transform the landscape from what it was a few weeks ago. My hostas, astilbe, ferns, and other perennials have pushed through the soil and dead leaves that covered them through the winter. The two woodland garden beds are full of daffodils and now that I've tackled most of the weeds, are looking wonderful. The lilac bush I planted 2 or 3 years ago is finally getting more growth and has 3 dark purple flowers almost ready to bloom. In a few days, those flowers are definitely coming in the house so I can enjoy their scent. Lilacs are unquestionably my favorite spring flower; I think because it brings back memories of my childhood home where there was a big lilac bush.

When I worked at the greenhouse I'd get antsy to plant flowers and probably would've had some annuals out by now. I've learned to hold back at least until May because there's still a likelihood of frost, plus the plants will grow better in the warm greenhouse. I'm already looking ahead at my work schedule and planning when I can take a day and go "greenhousing," a spring ritual that's one of the best days of the year for me! Today I got out the planters I want to use and repainted one of them. Since I was off and it was a gorgeous day, I spent the afternoon outside working in the woodland gardens. There were some dead bushes that needed to be removed and I did some rearranging of plants. Every year I move things around but hope I'll finally get it the way I want it yet! These garden beds are something I made out of what was once a fern/weed patch. It's what I see when I look out my kitchen window, so I planted perennials, bushes, and a few trees to create a more pleasing view from the kitchen and back of the house. Since it's at the edge of the woods, I've had to find plants that like shade, wet soil, and are deer resistant. I've had some success and quite a few failures, but every year it becomes more established and closer to what I want to make it.

This kind of weather never seems to last long enough for all I want to accomplish. There's probably at least 30 bushes that need fertilizing and more winter cleanup yet. We decided to get someone to do our mulching this year, since we both have other things to keep up with.

Cliff has been steadily working at painting the kitchen while I've worked the last 3 evenings. I am so happy with the color I chose! It's fresh-looking and blends well with my not-so-pretty cabinets and countertop. In fact, I like it so much I'm having second thoughts about doing shiplap on one wall. The other walls are cut up with cabinets and doorways so it doesn't seem like there's enough of the paint showing. My two signs are on the way and I think they will be perfect!

Take the time to go outside and enjoy spring while it's here. Cleaning and housekeeping can wait for a rainy day!๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. You make me want to go outside and work in my yard! โ˜€๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ Two rosebuds on my new bushes opened today! ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ I love the word โ€œsprinterโ€ too lol! ๐Ÿ˜† Also, what is the name of the color you chose again? I want to look it up.

    1. Yes "sprinter" is a keeper! I'm using Sherwin Williams honeydew for the kitchen.
