December 24, 2021

a New Year state of mind

It's Christmas Eve, but my head is in a New Year state of mind! For the last few weeks, I've been thinking of my goals for next year. The negative part of me wants to think resolutions are too hard and I never accomplish them anyway. But if I can drown out those voices, I remember that I love making resolutions! Making being the key word - I'm not that great at doing - BUT!! I have seen progress, and that's worth something! So I'm excited to continue. 

Beginnings inspire me. Mornings, a new year, a new job... I like the feeling of starting fresh and leaving past mistakes behind. Another way I receive inspiration is hearing what other people's goals are for the new year. So please share!

Last year I wrote here about my 21 for 21 list. I think I started doing this in 2020, but wasn't very successful. 2021 was better, yet I was feeling hesitant to make a 22 for 22 list. It seemed daunting - 22 resolutions is a LOT! Plus, I didn't have many ideas. In my search for new inspiration, I listened to a few of Gretchen Rubin's (the originator of this idea) podcasts on resolutions, and got some great ideas plus more courage! In the episode (listen here) where she reviews her 21 for 21 list, I was surprised at how many items she did not accomplish! Here are a few key takeaways.

• Crossing items off the list is not actually highest priority. 
• Some things that weren't accomplished in 2021 can be added to the 22 for 22 list.
• If something worked really well, that can be added to the list again.

This definitely pushed me in the right direction and I was able to start my list. Currently I'm up to 16, and searching for more ideas. This is why I'd love to hear from others what their resolutions are! 

Starting my list also helped me decide on my Word of the Year (WOTY). Here again, I was feeling uninspired and thinking of not doing one. There's something about seeing your goals written down that gives clarity. (Maybe being wide awake at 2 am for 2 nights in a row also has something to do with getting clarity ??) I realized a lot of items on my list had the same theme, and from there it was easy to find a word that summed it up.

My WOTY for 2022 is... health. 

This word reflects my desire for a more fulfilling spiritual life and better mental and physical health. I have to admit I have not been spiritually and mentally healthy for too long. I know having a WOTY is not going to change that, but I hope it will be a reminder to change my thought pattern or pick up the Messenger or get my exercise in. I want to put this word in places where I'll often see it,  but haven't figured out exactly how to do that yet. If you do a WOTY, how do you keep it front and center for a whole year? Now taking ideas!

Since I'm so persistently asking that you share your ideas with me, it's only fair I give you a peak at my 22 for 22 list! It still needs tweaking, but here's a few I have so far.

- Buy new freezer
- Get a will
- Remember family birthdays
- Weigh every day
- Spending freeze the first week of every month. (This has to do with the budgeting program we're doing. I still need to write about that!)
- Exercise 4 days a week, but strive for 5
- Stop mindless scrolling
- Have company once a month

Some of the items on this list scare me because I don't know how I'll accomplish them. I need to think of a few more easy or fun goals to balance out the hard ones.

Onward to new beginnings!

December 4, 2021

November Book Club + Top 5 Books of 2021

November's book club title Benjamin and Jon was a simple, heartwarming tale about a lonely old man and needy young boy. School-age children would enjoy this book as well.
Now we've come full circle, with everyone picking a book and the year almost over. I wasn't sure if we'd decide to continue, but it seemed we all wanted to! We agreed to pick up again in January, and I was able to choose our next book without much internal debating. Which brings me to the next part of this post - my top 5 books of 2021!

Thanks to Goodreads wonderful feature "My Year in Books" I have a list of titles I've read so far. Although I've read more this year than ever, I never felt like I found the one that completely captivated me. I found myself reading a lot of mediocre, average books which never quite reached that level. I also reread more of my favorites this year than ever before, and found they still met my expectations! However, I didn't want to include any rereads in my top 5 books for 2021. I was also hoping this list would not include any books I've mentioned in my blog this year, but it wouldn't be a true top 5 list then!

Top 5 Books of 2021
*To see a description of each book, click on the blue hyperlinked book name. 

The book I chose for our next book club is Wonder by R.J. Palacio.

My review: I did not expect to be so moved by this book. It's written in a way that you can feel what August goes through. There's awful, cruel people; but also wonderful, kind people in his life. And kindness wins.

I think I've written enough about this one already. See here and here
A life-changing book for me!

Thanks to a book club discussion, I decided it was high time to read the series. I had no idea what I was missing out on! If I had to choose which was my favorite, it would be a tie between The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and The Last Battle. I'll definitely be reading the series again!

The Rose Code
I'm a fan of Kate Quinn's historical fiction novels The Alice Network and The Huntress, and when I saw she had a new book, I expected it to be good too! 

My review: Another smashing historical fiction novel by Kate Quinn! I was sucked in to the story and even felt a bit of envy towards the characters - their work breaking codes sounds like the perfect job. 
The fact that the code breaking and other parts of the story actually happened, is fascinating! I also loved how the wedding of Prince Philip and Princess Elizabeth was woven into the story.
The audiobook narrator, Saskia Maarleveld, does a marvelous job and made the story even more captivating.

Another one I've already reviewed here.  

I'm still going to mention the rereads that were every bit as marvelous (and even better!) than the books listed above.

Rereads that didn't fail me:
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
The Blue Castle - L.M. Montgomery 
The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd
The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah